Generally, Tony's default reaction to anything he doesn't know how to deal with is to hole up in the workshop and bury himself in some new project. It works pretty well for him. True, it doesn't actually alter the fact that he has no idea how to deal with it, but it's soothing to spent a while immersed in a problem he can take apart and consider
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It would have made more sense to stay at the helicarrier over night. But, she wants to see how Tony is doing. They're not friends, and possibly they never will be, because she simply doesn't trust him enough. But, they're team mates and they just went through something together. That means something. Besides, she got her official debrief with Fury, while Tony simply got sent home. He may need to talk ( ... )
"That asshole!" Tony responds immediately, glaring into his glass as though it's personally responsible for the situation, "I knew I recognized the voice. He was at some conference..." The guy had been...forgettable, in a vaguely slimy sort of way. Like Justin Hammer without the personality. And boy was that a sentence he never imagined he'd ever have cause to think. He assumes a vaguely offended expression; "I nearly got killed because that dick wanted to relive Woodstock? Seriously?"
"Pretty much, yeah," she confirms and takes a slow sip of her vodka. She could just knock it back, but that'd be a waste of perfectly good vodka. "He hired some amazingly incompetent goons to do his bidding and didn't give them enough intel." She tosses a quick, almost apologetic glance at Tony. She doesn't know how much of this he wants to hear. "He'll rot in a SHIELD cell for the next five to ten years." Trying to steal any of the Iron Man technology is immediately ( ... )
He takes a quick gulp of the vodka, closing his eyes for a moment as it burns all the way down. "Good," he says flatly. That's all he has to say on the matter. He takes exception to people attempting to murder him; that sort of thing can really wreck your day. He's dealt with enough guilt for things that actually were his fault not to have any qualms about some would-be crook too inept to even do it properly to the wolves ( ... )
"I didn't think they'd go for the chest piece," she tells him, her fingers tightening around the glass. The eye contact gets to much for her, and she turns around, leaning her elbows against the railing and looking out at the million lights of the city all spread out before them. "I thought at most they'd start with a punch or something. Or if they'd gone for the shocks straight up, they'd have to move the machine first--" Her jaw tightens and she looks down at her glass. "I thought I' ( ... )
A little light begins to dawn when she admits she hadn't been expecting them to take the reactor. Oh. That makes sense. And it wouldn't have occurred to him. The truth is, he'd been half expecting it from the moment he woke up tied to the chair. But then that says more about him than anything else; of course that's the first place his mind goes. There's always the nauseatingly vivid sense memory - lying helpless as choking pain claws its way up his throat from the gaping emptiness in the center of his chest - lurking in the wings, ready to come to the forefront at the slightest provocation ( ... )
"You don't have to thank me," she says with a shake of her head. "We're a team. Looking out for each other is what we're supposed to do."
Natasha does knock back the glass now, washing down the bitterness with the strong liquor. As she holds it out for him to fill, she meets his eyes steadily. "I'll keep that in mind for next time," she says lightly, giving him a tired sort of smile. Unlike Tony, she's not trying to keep up any front or pretend that she's less exhausted than she actually is. Of course, she doesn't let on how sickened she is by the idea of him having the arc reactor plucked from his chest again. "You should maybe think of adding some security features to that thing." She gestures vaguely at his chest ( ... )
"Believe me, I'd love to," he says, quirking an eyebrow at her. "I can't. I'd have to modify the housing for that. Not the reactor housing, the bit that's actually-" He taps his chest illustratively "-attached." And to switch that out would require actual surgery, going under the knife again, and...god, he can't. He just can't. The mere thought is enough to make his throat close up and put a tremor in his hands.
He blinks down at her hand, looking momentarily derailed and kind of lost. The automatic evasion dies on his lips. "It hurts like a bitch," he admits in a moment of uncharacteristic honesty. "But hey. Old news." Because of course it hurts. It always hurts. He's learned to live with it.
Natasha wasn't really asking about the pain. Of course it hurts, that much is obvious. She can read the pain in the tight lines around his eyes and mouth, and the weariness that haunts his expression. But, pain passes. All it needs is time. Other areas might need some more work. She nods in reply to his answer though, her hand warm and steady around Tony's and the the chilled vodka. "You'll get through it." It's not a promise, as much as a statement of pure fact. "After Afghanistan, did you ever do a debrief?"
"Kinda," he replies. The military had insisted on a debrief, but he...hadn't been especially cooperative. The bare bones of the story were there. But most of the details were either omitted or just replaced by half-truths and some outright lies. Of course the story Rhodey got was closer to the truth, but that was strictly off the record.
He tosses the drink back in one smooth motion. "You were there," he says with a shrug. "You know what happened - probably better than I do." He doesn't see how going over it again is supposed to help. It's over, it happened, end of story. And okay, maybe it'd make him feel better to get some stuff off his chest. But- "There's gonna have to be more vodka first either way," he adds.
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