Worst Day of My Life/Longest Entry Ever.

Jun 29, 2005 00:32

I woke up at 6 am today to sit in the Donkin Dounuts parking lot until 7 am waiting for the person I have to kill for assassin. This girl goes to Donkin Dounuts everyday, but she failed to show up today. I came home to try to get an hour of sleep before i had to go to work at 9 am. My father, trying to be nice, took my dog out and put him in his outside cage, but my father hasn't relized that Cooper barks more outside because he wants to come back in. So, I then failed to get that extra hour of sleep. I then went to work where I was sooo mad for the rest of the day because i didnt get my person out that morning. Also my person decided they wanted to drop out of the game and get their money back, which is soo dumb and shoud not be allowedd, but we dont want any complaints about the game at work sooo oh well. So then i was confused half of the day on who i was now suppsed to kill.

At 5pm i attempted to find where my knew person lived, this also failed and i got compltely lost. I then came back to the daycare because i wanted to follow home the person who my persno has. While waiting in the parking lot i saw my person drive by and i attempted to follow them. The next half hour consisted of following her, and hiding in bushes. This attempt also failed.

The next hour ended liek this: someone isn't talking to me, and my father is annoying the crap out of me;"the dog peed on the floor when you werent home, the dogg.. the doggg. b;ahh blah." So i came home to my little Cooper and played with him. My dad went out and when he got back he started complaing again how the dogg chewed up his coyotoe and it wasnt liek that before he left the house, which is not trueeee because me and mim didnt take our eyes off the dogg which means he did it during the day when someonee takes the dog out and doesnt watch him and i have to hear about everything he pees on and chews up when i get home. If you cant watch the dog dont take him outt. So between David not talking to me, and my father annoying the shitt outof me about everything (including me leaving toothpaste in the sinkk*whocaresss*), and threatening me that my puppy will be missing one day when i get home from work, i swear to got i almost had a panicattack or something.

So i took a shower and then i went to take Cooper out to peee. When i did, i heard the same noise i did last night, which is someone or something in the bushes, so i freaked out again. So i ran inside but Cooper wasnt coming and i thought i lost him cause i wasnt going out becaus ei was scared but cooper wasnt coming back in. So he finally came up to the door like 10 mins later and i brought him to my room. I then hear my dad yelling "There's a green car outside look look" So we look and sure engough its Mr. Eric's car. (What happened next is the only thing that cheered me up today i think, but i almost got raped and im not even kidding raped from it). After me and mim spotted Mr. Eric's car we see him jump into it and speed away. Then while looking out the window i notice something on my car. Me and Dough then preceeded outside to see what it was. As i looked it turned out there was garbage all over my car, so i kinda got pissed at that, but then i hear doug and hes like "Look what i found, a storm750!!!" Mr. Eric left his watergun in our driveway (dumb!!). Let me tell you this is the sweetest water gun everrrrrrrrrrrr. It squirts soo far and it has a flashlight when you squirt. Then my dad is yelling out the window "Theres someone in the bushes Get him Get himmm" Me mim and Doug all think hes kidding but anyway Doug shouts out "WHat up nowww Suckaa" and Doug then hears a little giggle coming from the bushes and then an "Oh Shitt" I then took the gun from doug because i still hear my dad screaming frmo our house "Gettt himmmm hes in the bushessssssss!!" So im running down the road just squirting cause i couldnt see what was going on and then i see car headlights so instead of trying to get eric i went for whoever was no the car. I beat eric to the car because as i hear, he ran into the fence and fell down. So because i beat him to his car Adam who was driving started speeding away so i was like "HAA there goes your ride eric now what!" BUUUTT i then ran out of water so eric ran to the car and the speed away.

Trying to get my mind off of almost freaking out in my house 43904243-2 timesss, Me and doug then decide we want to try to find them to squirt them with there own watergun because it would be funny. Doug and i then preeceed to Getty to see if they were waiting there, we then went to wendys, then the daycare center to try to find them, but we had no luck in doing so. I then decided we should start heading back to carmel because Doug had to go home soon. SO we get to the first intersection, i had a green light so i went through it and i see and motorcycle who was turning alomst turn into my car so i was like okay that guy must be drunk or something because he had a red light and he didnt stop. So i just thought he was some drunk guy on a harley and i kept driving. As i was driving i then notice that hes flashing me so i told doug and then doug noticed it too. The motorcycle then starts swerving within the lane behind me and reving his engine and is still flashing me. I started to get scared then but Doug didnt think much of it. The motorcycle then started tailgating me so im like freaking out. Doug then squirted the glowing watergun out the window and yelled back off! so the guy did so i was like ok maybe thats it he was just being an asshole because hes drunk and maybe he thought i cut him off or something. Then i started getting scared that he was gonna follow us so i pulled into the wendy's parking lot becausei woul dknow he was follwing us. I thought he wasnt but then i was about the exit by the exit near starbucks and i see the motherfucker pull in and do a u turn on his bike right behind my car. So im freaking out driving to drive because i have some asshole tailgating me and following me. Doug is telling me to just pull over and hell talk to the guy but that would be the dumbest idea ever because if he had a gun he couldve like shot doug and then like fuckin raped me or something. So im freaking out and i pull out of the parkng lot. Earlier on the way to brewster there were two cop cars pulling someone over up by where blockbuster used to be, so doug suggested pulling into the road that leads to the bowling alley to see if he definatly was following us. I guess he noticed the cops were there because he didnt follow us then. So i felt alot better about that but as i turned onto the road by the churches i notced the motorcycle was pulled over on the side of the road by the VFW. So i almost had another panic attack thinking that im going to be raped and killed and doug is going to be shot by this guy so i was like thats it doug im going back to the police i don tcare what they are doing so i turned into the parking lot near the catholic school and doug was like well just go down through the parking by the high school. So i did that and i came up around scoops thinking i finally got away from this asshole and i see his motorcycle like two cars behind me again. So once again im freaking out so i drove as fast as i could to shoprtie and was hoping he didnt see me pull in. So im watching him and it looks like hes gonna pull into shoprite and i almost started crying because it was the scariest thing ever but thank god he went past shoprite, so me and doug went hom ethe back way and i almost fucking got killed and rapped but some asshole and it was the scariest thing everrrrrrrrr. Thank god me and doug escaped~!! But still it was the scariest thing ever and im not even kidding and im still freaking out aBOUT IT! i THINK YOU CAN TELL BY THE WAY IM TYPING!
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