Apr 27, 2007 12:52
Yea schedule for next year:
BMB 310 Macromolecules Dew MWF 10:20-11:20
PHY 210 Physics w/ Calculus I Crummett MWF 11:30-12:30
BIO 355 Immunology Dew MWF 1:50-2:50
PHY 210L Lab Neiser T 8:00-11:00
HIS 500 Junior Seminar Tubb TR 2:20-3:50
One Lab, no Chemistry, Tubb, one 8am. This is a sweet schedule. Having Dew twice could either be good or bad, but I'll be optimistic. And I think I'll take a break from lab assisting.
And I broke the trend in organic. I am so pleased.