Former Skrull Space, Friday Evening

Jun 05, 2009 21:38

So a month spent on board a ship with only a few stops for resupplies and word of any pockets of Skrull survivors out there could make a person antsy. Especially when they're not used to this like many of the soldiers seemed to be.

Add onto that this weird sort of heat and you'll get one nervous emperor.

He even asked about any sort of Skrull---going into heat or something. He didn't know! He was still trying to learn all the small things. And language. So, after a very awkward conversation with the captain of the ship, Teddy was left with the fact that he wasn't going to be able to fix this problem without forcing someone to get that damn comm working to call a certain someone back home.

Right now he was stuck in his quarters, trying to smother himself with his pillow as he waited.


god i hate space, where is chad damn it!, skruuuuuulls, not enough cold showers

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