: Within your vincity, I won't be present long. // deep dislike
: To tread cautious steps is but a way of life. // wariness
: Faux smile in place, charming for the conversation. // neutral, mild interest
: I keep slipping back, and you keep inching closer. // tolerating
: But they say friendship is an overrated thing. // taking a liking
: Must I confide in you for every little thing I do, to keep you happy? // fondness
: Cursed never to be... // love
Maka Albarn (Nice girl, with very solid priorities. Almost...too solid, really...)
Xerxes Break (Amusing and alarming on equal footings. A man of many secrets. Wouldn't be an out-of-place citizen of Ingary.)
Polymnia Terpsichore Aino Perdita Zyanya / Polly /
(Alas, a reader of thoughts. Not good for harboring secrets around. And yet, all the same, she remains a well-meaning young lady...)
Maraich (Rather straightforward, insistent. Slightly alarming, for all amiability. Has no hesitation to make heard high demands.)
Shana (Strong-willed, intelligent girl. Amusingly easy to fluster. Has a rather endearing blush. Shame most young men would probably be terrified of her.)
Lucifer Morningstar (Possibly that one. The real one. Very, very dangerous man. One to avoid when at all possible. Best not to cross him.)
Kanda Yuu (Few words and fewer expressions. Very amusing to converse with and draw reactions from regardless. Possible soundproofing-spell client?)
Roy Mustang (Fairly sensible man apparently surrounded by idiots.)
Kujikawa Rise (Quite the young lady, with a healthy flair for the dramatic. Seems to have good intentions in the right places. Perhaps her enthusiasm will get her somewhere sooner or later.)
Last updated: 02/17/10