tramsmigration 9 application

Mar 06, 2011 19:30

Your name: Kally
Your LJ: writesonthesly
Your email:
Your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo handle: sunnydaykally

Character's name: Mary Jane Watson-Parker
Character's LJ: nottheglamour
Character's canon: Marvel Comics’ Spider-Man
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:

Mary Jane is the woman behind the man in tights. She is also her own woman, fierce and strong, and capable. While she has often been in the position of damsel, she has also defended herself and her husband numerous times, against any force of villainy knocking at their door.

MJ is bright, vivacious, the life of the party, someone who can brighten a room, and make you smile. She’s friendly, warm, and doesn’t often have a problem getting along with people. However, she can also be terse, stubborn, and very defensive. She’s not afraid of speaking her mind, or letting it be known.

She’s very comfortable around the male crowd, having had mostly male friends growing up. That doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get along with the female crowd, but that she’s more comfortable around boys. She has a tomboy side that loves sports, knows more about football than Captain America (no, really!) and is even very athletic. She’s constantly in motion.

That said, she often has some issues with Peter’s vigilante life. She is more often worried and concerned, but supports him nonetheless. She has incredible faith in Peter, and no matter what, whether she’s been put in a bind by an enemy, or the financial woes that plague her and her husband, she trusts him and knows he’ll come through.

Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline:, I am taking MJ from during the Cival War, before the horror that is One More Day

Sample post (just a general, everyday, puttering-around-the-ship post; please include a snippet of dialogue):

The sensoriums were new for Mary Jane. She'd experienced things like it, but nothing to the extent that Stacy gave. It was a little hard to believe that it had really recreated the house before her. She stood there, staring at just one of the homes that she and Peter had had (possibly the most important), eyes wide, before she finally learned to breathe again and started up the creaky steps of the porch. Just like she remembered...

Aunt May's house.

The door was unlocked when she opened it, the screen with its marks, and the small dents at the bottom. She brushed her fingers against the door, then continued inside. She let the door shut all the way before she made her way to the kitchen. It was all so familiar that she almost expected Aunt May to be sitting at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper, but of course, she wasn't. Mary Jane kept her face composed, despite the fact that no one else was here. She brushed her fingers along the counters, the table, turning her head to catch the pictures on the wall. A smiling Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and a young Peter in a variety of images held in old wood frames hanging on string from nails. She smiled softly at the smile on the younger Peter's face with his big glasses.

"Even as a kid, you were adorable, Slugger," she said of her husband. "Even with the tape on your glasses..."

Done remembering, she turned and went into the next room. There was the couch, where she and Aunt May would sit and watch the news, waiting for a newscaster to announce that Spider-Man had stopped yet another robbery, mugging, or attack of some kind. There was that funny lamp on the end-table, and the rug with the juice-stain at the corner. More photos were hung on the wall. There was Aunt May and Uncle Ben's wedding photo. She was beautiful in white. Then there was a photo of Uncle Ben and younger Peter at a baseball game, Peter smiling goofily at the camera, wearing a baseball cap. Mary Jane's eyes softened when she saw the photo of her and Peter, smiling happily, at their own wedding.

It took a couple minutes for her to pull herself away from the wall of pictures, to turn around, and go up the stairs.

She made her way to Peter's room. The room that they'd stayed in often whenever they had financial issues, and Aunt May opened her house warmly to them, and also, the room that Peter had grown up in. She confidently opened the door, taking in the old memories as she saw them. The posters on the wall, the bed, the desk and the papers and the books... Even the photographs on the bulletin board, of smiling people, happy, from varying ages. There was her and Peter at Peter's birthday, Harry and Peter goofing around, and she had to smile when she saw the photo of herself wearing a baggy sports sweater, smiling on game day.

MJ walked toward the window, looking toward the shelf placed to the right. She scanned the shelves, until she saw something familiar. "We're going to have to make a new home here," she said quietly to herself. She took a toy from the shelf and looked it over, then hugged it to her chest. "New home on some ship far far away..." She looked at the toy, brushing her thumb against the fluffy ear, before she placed it back on the shelf with the rest of the old memorabilia from Peter's childhood.

She walked to the bed and took a seat on the edge. She needed to sit down. To gather her thoughts.

On the nightstand, there were more frames. But the one that made Mary Jane pick it up, was the photograph of Aunt May and Uncle Ben, with a young Peter grinning widely at the camera. She brushed her finger against the frame's corner. Aunt May had always been a big part of Peter's life, even after Mary Jane had wed Peter. She'd put out her hand whenever they needed it, and she'd been a wonderful friend to Mary Jane, welcoming her into the family.

"I promise to take good care of Peter, Aunt May," Mary Jane said. "To make sure he stays alive, is happy, and to make you proud." She set the picture back on the nightstand. "We'll get through this. Giant space bugs or no, we'll make it out alive." There was determination in her voice.

After ten minutes of sitting in thought, soaking in the memories, she got up, left the room, shut the door, and went down the stairs. Past the photos, past the kitchen, out the door, and the creaking steps.

If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow:

Mary Jane is a human. She has no special metahuman, alien, or mutant and magical abilities.

Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here):

Mary Jane has the average strength of a woman her age who does regular exercise, lifts weights, and often brandishes a crowbar or a lead pip to defend herself and her husband against villains after them. Mary Jane knows self-defense, and a few basic karate moves. She knows how to operate a gun, and even her husband’s web-shooters. She’s not the best fighter, but she’s capable of defending herself.

trans_9, app, ooc

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