Dec 03, 2008 15:09

my parents r fucking crazy but everyone nos this already

semuskiea: im goignto kick my mother
xantilacix: what now
semuskiea: she called to see when i was moving back home
semuskiea: wtf
xantilacix: wtf is wrong with her
xantilacix: she'd just be on your case again if you did
semuskiea: ya i no i told her never
semuskiea: hehe
xantilacix: lol
xantilacix: what did she say
semuskiea: nothign she was just like r u going to help me decorate and i was like no
semuskiea: lol
xantilacix: lol wtff
xantilacix: why does she want you come back when all she does is bad mouth you to everyone else in town
semuskiea: cause she is stupid
xantilacix: my grandma was telling me when i was home
xantilacix: she was  like dont tell alyse i dont want to her upset
xantilacix: i was like she already knows her mom is two faced
semuskiea: lol
xantilacix: but she shouldnt go around tellig people that youre a horrible person
xantilacix: my grandmas neighbors
semuskiea: everyone nos shes liying
xantilacix: amy
xantilacix: was like telling my grandma and trying to get stuff out of her
xantilacix: and my grandma was like  i dont know anything about whats going on
semuskiea: lol
xantilacix: but i've known alyse her whole life and she isnt a bad person
xantilacix: yeah i guess your mom was bitching the whole time during the election
xantilacix: i glad i wasnt home to vote
semuskiea: haha nice
semuskiea: i new she was going to
xantilacix: eyah and then stupid people like amy go around gossiping more
xantilacix: when she should be concerned with her own autistic kids
xantilacix: who are crazy
semuskiea: great now my mom went crying to my dad and he just called me
semuskiea: wtf
xantilacix: if she really wanted you to come home, she wouldnt be bad mouthing you to everyone
xantilacix: she'd be saying i miss alyse i wish she'd come home
xantilacix: not, omg my child is such a bastard
xantilacix: unless thats her way of expressing love
semuskiea: shes a stupid shit
xantilacix: iknow
xantilacix: and the stuff that amy was telling my grandma
xantilacix: was the same old shit about paul
xantilacix: i was like, yeah and she swears seh never said that
xantilacix: then says it two days later
semuskiea: o realy cause beofr thanks giving my mom was like o paul is welcom to come up we like him
semuskiea: and i was just like ya right whatever
semuskiea: and pauls mom said to me that if i wanted to invite them over and if thye say anything aobut me or paul thye will have to dell with her and david and pauls aunts and uncles hehe
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