
Nov 10, 2008 13:21

so i just had the craziest dream in the world. tj and i were going to a hotel and the when we get there the girl tells us that tthey had to change our room type so we r in a sweet. anyway we go to the room and it looks like a pice of shit tj tryped on the carput and it puled away from the wall and folded over. then we start looking around and everything looks like it was made for a midget. like literly everything was rely tiney. so we go to complain and he went down befor me cuase i lost my key, on my way down i see him a dnhes like they gave m candy and i was just like what about the room. so im like im going to talk to them and see what they can do. thye were a little busy so i wated. i then had to go to the restroom so i asked one of the passing workers where it was. i had to walk down this creapy hallway with flashing lights and when i got the womens bathroom there was blood all over everything so i was like fuck it and walked out and went to the mens bathroom well on my way out i ran into a girl and told her so she was going to the same thing as me. but she said that her friend were in the mens bathroom so wehn thye come out she would ahve them watch the door to make sure no one comes in. when they came out we went in and for some reason we had to pee in a urnal idky there were no other tolits in the place lol anyway this girls friend rush in and r like thye r looking for u 2 thye said that the sacurity said we were very dangeris and that we killed a person in the womens bathroom. good thing they were standing outside or the sacurity poeple would have came in they told them they had to wate there was a person cleaning so they went away. anyway we decided that we were going to jusp out the window and go somewhere we could figure this out. so we went to this place that the onther girl new of that was empty at the time. it was a club that they were playing at that night, adn i guess she was friend with the owner. when we went in the place was trashed. but we sat down we figured if thye looked her already then we should be good. anyway we tryed figuring out what happend and the one guy went to look for a tv to see if we could figuer out what went on in the girls bathroom. they showed a sacurity video that had a girl going in and then me and the other girl going in and us coming out but the other girl never did. so we figured that thats what the blood was all over the place but how it got there we could not figure out. then the band was like we ned to get out of this place cause something is going to happen. we walked out and then a bomb went off in the club. so we went to another place they new and the guy there started atacking us. he was all bloudy and looked dead we then found out we were dealing with zombies then i woke up cause pauls parents came home. i wish i would have got to finish it.
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