I'm sitting here not doing much and decided to update some.I had a bit of a busy week last week I had the flu on Monday it was only 24 hours then I spent Tuesday recovering.Wed I went and did some running around downtown and helped my sister set up her new bed.I missed my one show but I got to watch Lost.Thursday I was so tired that I slept late and totally forgot I had to take out the trash I didn't remember till later on there was alot to take out.Friday till Sunday I went over to Jim's and played games late it was fun I do that every weekend.I found a new mattress on Sat I really needed a new bed I wasn't sleeping good on my old broken bed.They only problem with staying late at Jim's is that I don't do face painting so I'm got to find another day to do it on I'm going to try for Wed.I need to start doing face painting again.I've done 2 in the last little while the links are at the bottom.Today I got to spend time with my nieces it was so great to see them again.They were here early I took a nap after they went home I was tired.I'm thinking of getting a new wig from Ena I was going to last month but then my xbox died on me she offered to make me a full costume so I'm think I'm going to start getting it bit by bit.Then I'll be able to wear it to a con or a costume party.I'm worried about my Big Sis I have been since I read her Lj I really hope things get better for her.Well that's all I can think of to type take care all.
P.s for my Big Sis how I got started doing face painting.it started on Halloween when I went out with Jim and his kids they were all dressing up and I thought why not it will be fun.I still have fun with it you get to look like someone else for awhile its art as well I've always loved drawing etc.
http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q98/Lostneo/White%20Tiger/ http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q98/Lostneo/Oridon/