ToDo Progress, Week 4

Feb 05, 2015 16:35

-> graduate

Awaitng replacement title
-> inspect car asap
-> transfer car title by title+30
-> register car by title+30

Not so sensitive:

Pathway to Internship workshops (Big Data, 3 down of 6)
IEEE learning center -> FT, FFT
Simplex Method
logic programming
functional programming
android app (texts backed up by mail)
OpenCV implementation of MLMVN
STEM outreach

tcpip, it looks like I've missed the deadline for Aug 2015 starts at RMIT, and possibly missed it for 2015-2016 year altogether. There is something that says "June intake", but I am not sure what that woud be. I have also not located a source of funding likely to close the AUS$58K gap for cost of attendance (about US$45K for those playing at home).

Hmm,  where can I find such support?
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