Crazy Nazar Dreams

Apr 04, 2010 20:53

Nazar:  In Turkey, evil eye jewelry and other such trinkets are particularly common. The evil eye is also known as the Eye of Medusa. A nazar or evil eye stone (Turkish: nazar boncuğu) is an amulet that protects against the evil eye. Colourful beads, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, and all manner of decoration may be adorned by this particularly popular symbol, and it is common to see it on almost anything, from babies, horses, doors to cars, cell phones, and even airplanes. Source Wikipedia

I first found out about Nazars from the Vampire Academy books by blue_succubus (Richelle Mead) Rose gets one as a gift from her mom who got it from Roses father and it's always in the dream that Adrian walks in as a belly ring.

The first dream I was walking down this long dirt road in the woods with a girl I didn't she was wearing a nazar around her neck and I looked down to see a nazar half buried under some fallen leaves and dirt I thought it was pretty so I picked it up and as we walked further down the road I kept finding more a few feet apart from each other these were all cracked (which would suggest they worked in protecting someone) but soon the girl with me disappeared and where she had been there was a cracked nazar I back tracked to find her and she was being killed by a dude and soon I woke up.

Second dream I was shopping with my mom, and all of the cupcakes and other sweets had nazars on them and soon everything in the store had nazars on them I ended up in the car with my mom and she then ran over my cat and looked to me laughing. Then I woke up

weird freaking dreams!

ALSO here re some pictures of trypanophobic34 

Currently Reading: Storm Born

vampire academy, rose hathaway, lisa, books, turkey, richelle mead

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