They Call Me Frazier, Citizen On Patrol

Aug 15, 2005 22:55

Today was alright I guess. I have stated dominance as the smartest kid in English class, but I continue to hover somewhere between a D and a C. Why does life have to skull fuck you when you have your pirate patch off? Oh well, I guess "god" will always have to score another point just as I feel as if I'm closing in on him. I've been revaluating my life for a couple of days now. A lot of troubles are out of my life right now. I've found ways around this. I now want to make a paintball team. I really need a grandparent to win the lottery or something so I can make myself happy with more money. I know, I know, It sounds really shitty but I would finally have enough money to get rims, lots of diet pills, my fucking ice cream truck, everything i want to buy people, and oh yeah, a pet Eskimoe... Today was alright once more. I will illustrate it to you know in the form of interperetive dance.... Ready. Okay.

Did you catch that? I didn't think so!

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to tell it to you. It went something like this...

I woke up at like 4:20 this morning and decided that Monday was no day to work out so I ignored my phone and continued in my slumber. Waking up at 6:00 didn't seem like a task on account of me getting an extra hour and a half slumber so i got up and dressed myself in a timely manner. First period was nothing short of a breeze since I am after all considered the jester of the class. Mrs. Wilkerson and I spend most of the class period everyday pointing out all of the short comings of others except ours. I have fun belittle other with her. Second period rolls around killing my joy with a big sweaty ball sack right on my egos chin, it's name is Mr. Katz american history class. If I can't change it, it doesn't mean anything to me. Third period rolls around with promises of great fun with books... Fuck books. I really didn't feel like reading or writing anything, but once again I swallow my pride in hopes tha i don't get homework for the night. Class participation turned out to be my silver bullet to the warewolf we call Mrs. Gjersten. With my uncanny ability to bullshit my way out of a labyrinth, I answered every single question that she would let me answer. I found myself in a much chipper mood when I left the classroom. I usually hate fourth period but today, I loathed it with the passion of twenty thousand terrorists in Gwantonimo Bay, Cuba. Tardy was how how I started the class period off. Strike one! One more, and I get a detention. The first one since seventh grade. I hope this doesn't come to this. We'll see. Mr. Moley, I ... I mean, Mabie let us have the whole class period to ourselves on account of us having a seven billion point test tomorrow. Everyone paired up with their "study buddies" while I was assuming the picture as Annie, the red haird orphan. Andrew and Mr. Davenport weren't there today. The apocolypes must be coming or something. I have no godly idea. I don't care anymore. Luch was alright... Ya know, the same old dried out Spagetti with a hint of Sticky sauce... I couldn't ask for more. After lunch I spend most of Spanish class being as inconspicuous as possible while drawing and making fun of everyone around me to myself. Last period greeted me with with a new opportunity. A substitute with a slight bulge in his chest from something I'd like to think of being and insulin monitor or pacemaker. Someone with an ailment should always be though of as kind and docile. NOPE NiGgEr! This guy was a fucking prick. He should pay with his life. I'm going to bring in a microwave tomorrow just to see it'll kill him or something. I'll figure it out...  There was a video club meeting after school today in which I am the video clubs jester, since Wilkerson loves me so much. I'm being casted as one of the main characters. I'll probably edit most of the movie too, because I'm that fucking sexy... Not. I mean, of course...Bullfucked around till it was time to work. Work was all the same to me untill it was time for me to leave...

On the way out of work I noticed a large group of cars with their lights turned on sitting out front of "Gold's Gym," I decided ot investigate with quick pass of the car. Sure enough, there was a minor altercation. With my quick fingers, I called "911" and the police showed up in a matter of less than 30 seconds. Great response time. I used "411" to call the seminole county police department and commended the W.S. cops on their responce time. I still hate cops. Gimme tickets for being a teenager in a sports car. Oh well, what can you do... It's almost midnight, I've got to get up early in the morning to "work out," gotta stop being fat. It's kinda hard to be something you've never been before. This be my key to sucess. I can't spell. Turns out that my minipulation of Karma has made the planets align and beautiful things are now happenning. Life Will Be Great Soon! I promise....
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