Now i get it!!

Jan 09, 2007 11:38

I love it when God shows you things that make you go "now i get it"
The name of this blog is "Now i get it" Just as earthy father teaches his child things that have been around forever but until the child is ready they wont understand the same is with God the Father He teaches His children when they are ready for what he wants to show them.


1 COR 3:16

1COR 6:19

2COR 6:16

The Bible (the word of the living God) tells us that our bodies are to be made as the temple of God. Well what i never thought of before is in Exodus 26 when God told Mose to build the tabernacles He told him in such a way to match how He wants us to be divided. He told Mose make three rooms Outer court, Inner court and the Holy of Holies. Since our bodies are a temple of the Lord He split us too. There is the Outer Court (flesh, earthly wants) Inner Court (soul/ thoughts emotions) And the Holy of Holies ( Where the Holy Spirit dwells) Gods temple plans are also the exact representation of Himself Three in one Father Son and Holy Spirit.When we ask Jesus into our hearts to be Lord and Savior, marvelous work takes place. The Great Architect is at work forming the new you. We become the Temple of God, designed after a pattern given by God. Something so simple and so complex at the same time! One thing i need God to help me on is denying to my Outer Court and even Inner Court so i can let the Holy of Holies be the highest room as God planned!! God showed me this as i was reading one of Pastor Duane Harlow books. And i wanted to share.

Now i get it we are God's Temple!!! No really we are. Lets let the Great Architect form us into what he wants. Give God your Hard hat he doesnt need your help on building you as His temple, just form to His molding!
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