This is IT, whatever IT is

Apr 15, 2007 12:55

OK, this is it! I am now stepping out from the pack of lurkers and info-tainment seekers to become an actual contributing memeber of the internet society (i. e. one more voice in the cacaphony). As a Mr. P. Floyd once said: " Fearlessly the Idiot faced the crowd, smiling." I am not completely fearless nor am I a complete idiot. Thus introduced, what will this thing be? Initially, it will be a dumping ground for those stray thoughts that seem to clutter the mind, a penseive (if its not to horrible to lift a concept from Harry Potter) of sorts. Perhaps at times I will be able to skim the cream off the top while other times purging the muck from the bottom. The idea is to pour the words out and stir them up a bit and see what happens, while relieving my mind of excessive detrius. Should be about as easy as Gumby brain surgery.

Now [with brick in hand] how in the world do I insert a link...
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