lesson learned, be careful where yu spit

Jan 30, 2006 01:35

Ok, so Jared and i are out walking. ive had a 2 beers. we are walking alone the beach and having a good time. now, earluier in the night jared and i had cigars, so naturally i have to spit and its gross, but i had to because the taste in my mouth is gross. so we are walking along anf theres a point where you walk on this cement walk way above the sand. so we are walking along there and jared points to somehting. now im talking at the same time, so im not paying attention, so i lean over the edge to spit and notice as the spit leaves my mouth that theres some rags or somehting below and im about to land mouth juice on them. well obviously it was a homeless person i realized and i figured being homeless he would stab me if i didnt out run him. so, i ran...jared apparently stood there going "dude what the hell" but i kept running going "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" every 10 paces or so. now, i knew jared was running at this point, so i kept goinbg and after 2 beers it was everything i could do to not stop and throw up...so we ran and ran and ran. we got to the upstairs of this outdoor mall on waikiki and figured we had gotten far enough ahead that we could stop for a minute and rest. so we did. we caught our breath and decided at this point it was best to just shut up and not talk about and walk like normal. well as we were walking we couldnt help but share eachothers side of the story. first off id like to clarify, it wasnt a homeless person...it was worse, some linebacker sized tourists, and yes they could run...jared could see that they were huge and could run, as he had dropped the keys and had to decide wheather to pick them up ($100 value) or not (he picked them up) so we kept walking and home and eventually got here safely. right now i feel like im going to throw up because of my beers and adrenaline. it was insane, i dont think i have ever done anyhting that would make anyone as mad at me as those 3 giuys and 2 girls were. my bad.
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