Day 7
So we got the Salzburge 2-day card thingamajig and we just had to find expensive enough locations to recoup the cost of that LOL (the Asian in me shines brightly). So... the Salzburg Zoo. The weather itself was a bit dreadful though.
Nothing much to say. There was a smal petting area but basically the animals aren't in full enclosures. There was also a fully enclosed space with a prop-cabinet and the animals inside were.... field rats! That was a cute exhibit.
Anyway, more random photos until we left around mid-day.
There was an exhibit of that (forgot which country) prayer wheel.
Needed an ice cream upon our departure!
The next expensive thing was another bus ride away to the Cable Car Untersberg. Well, due to the poor weather, we didn't get to see much.
But we got to see snow! So we went up the cable car with some other people. When we were up, there was a Chinese couple, man and woman. So the man was walking far enough "meh, it's just snow!" and the woman was like, "it's so steep! it's snow! I can't walk up!" Now. That hill was just half covered in snow, as you can see me there. The lady was walking in the snow complaining that it's slippery. I walked in the rubble practically next to her and it was an easy way up. I also muttered in a low voice that "you can just walk to the side."
It got pretty foggy the further we went up, so my friend and I decided to walk back and get a hot chocolate. The Chinese couple continued on, and an Indian couple also continued on. When we finished with our hot chocolate, we saw the Indian couple coming back. We went back down the cable car, Chinese couple not in sight. It wasn't the last ride downhill, but we were a bit concerned for them.
We took the long bus ride back into town and it was like some 20 minutes before 5pm... we decided we could squeeze in the Toy Museum (make use of that card).
He had a quick snack at one of the cafes (Tomaselli I think)
Well, this photo reminds me, it was THIS night we went to the Asian restaurant. So the other night we went Indian! The funning thing here was, Sriracha has a Chinese name that's basically an assimilated sounding "Si-Lai-Cha". But my friend read the characters the other way (as in books, right to left), she read it "Cha-Lai"Si" and asked me what sauce it was. I was like... er......... Si Lai Cha ya?
Day 8
Another super early day because it was a 3-hour train ride and we just went to Klagenfurt and dropped off our bags in the Hotel. Which. Made me so confused. I said I wanted to leave our bags. The lady said ok. I took out my passport, she says I can't check in now. I said I don't need to check in, but in order to leave my bags, she would have to confirm that I have a booking there, right? But she refused to take my passport. ???????????????
I don't get it. Am I living in another... dimension?
We rushed rushed rushed to a castle, HochOsterwitz. My Dad kept sendning me videos and articles about this place, so I decided I would go. There's only 3 scheduled busses a day from the train station to the castle, and none of the times seem to fit. So we walked.
It was a nice walk. 20 minutes or so.
It actually got to be a bit boring LOL
There was a roadsign saying "pedestrian this way" and it was like... forest road. I really wanted to walk out to the car-road (asphalt road?)
So we got a ticket to go up the cable car, but I later find out something.
I thought the castle itself was a bit bland. There was an exhibition room, and then a restaurant, and just views...
Food wasn't bad either.
Only as we left did we realize, the visit was supposed to be a walk up the hill because there's like 14 gates along the way going up, and THESE were the sights.
But ah, I think we were good, going up by the lift then walking down.
I thought that no dog poopy sign was funny.
More random photos.
After a final rush to the correct train platform, we returned to Klagenfurt. I found out I had another issue with the train ticket going to Leoben, and this time, FINALLY the lady at Oebb here in Klagenfurt acted like a normal human being. She was very helpful. Information came readily (not like pulling teeth).
I sort of suspect Klagenfurt has some Asian (Japanese maybe) people in their marketing team. There's a lot of IP/dragon(wyvern?)-related merchandize and marketing.
The restaurant had the dragon (or... wyvern?).
And of course the town square.
Oh yeah, some time in the afternoon when we arrived back and before dinner, we did ask about bicycle rentals and bicycle routes and were recommended a route, which basically was what I researched about. So... the next day would be our bike day!