Feb 20, 2007 18:18
i am happy.
wow, i miss this feeling. being happy is something that has eluded me for quite some time. but, i have found some light (and forecasts).
i have met someone that makes me get butterflies in my stomach everytime i look @ him. his name is craig and he's great. we have such raw chemistry, that it's almost alarming. but i feel as if this is a good thing. we have talked for hours upon end on the telephone. yesterday was our first date. he took me to olive garden (yum!) and then we went to starbucks to talk and we really hit it off! i want to take this slow, because i think that this could be a great and big thing for me.
craig insists that i am beautiful. i have to get used to hearing that compliment. i am so not used to hearing it.
my one BIG thing with this whole thing is that i want to take this completely slow. i was very forward and direct with him on this. he is right there with me. we said we have to use brakes, be cautious, and procede slowly. i am the type of person who will rush into everything and anything. but, i feel confident that he will put on the brakes if we are proceding fast. this seems like too good of a thing to fuck up with rushing.
i get to see him again sunday. he lives in daytona beach and attends embry-riddle university. how cool is this? he is studying to be a meterologist (a weather man!)!! I think that's cool. I could potentially be dating the weather man.
i had him pinch me last night to make sure i wasn't dreaming. i am so very happy.