Aug 17, 2005 20:54
Yea so its official, not only do i have HORRIBLE luck with Doctors, but i also have horrible luck with pharmacists! So Aidan had his neurologist appointment yesterday. He has been on this medicine for almost a year and it never works right and the doctor always increases the dosage. So he walks in yesterday and here is what our conversation was like. And you tell me if he is a fuckin idiot or not. Cause i think Aidan needs a ne neurologist!
Doctor: So has Aidan been having seziures since the last visit?
Me: Yes, not nearly as many as before but he still has a few a day.
Doctor: Okay, then we will increase the dosage.
Me: Why?! Whats the point? It never works.
Doctor: said he isn't having as many seizures as usual.
Me: Yea, but that doesn't mean he isn't having more. Isn't the purpose of this medicine to stop the seizure?
Doctor: Well...yea.
Me: Then why do you keep increasing it if he has been on it for a year and it hasn't work?!
Doctor: Well..we can change his medicine if you want.
WTF! This doctor is a fuckin moron! What is it with these doctor around here. They all seem to be fuckin stupid. So, now to why i have bad luck with pharmacists. I couldn't get Aidans new medicine filled here on base so i took it to the rite Aid right off base. They didn't have it but told me they would order it and it would be ready today after 3. So i went up there at like 7 and they never ordered it! HELLO! They told me they would order it right away. Its VERY important and they didn't fuckin order it. So that means Aidan goes a day and a half without having his medicine. And that means he has more fuckin seizures. Do people not understand that every time he has a seizure it does damage to his brain?! Or do they not fuckin care! GOD!!!!!!!!! I hate California! I need to get my ass back to PA quick before i kill someone out here. I mean, it would be one thing if they did this to me, but not Aidan. HELL NO! No one fucks with him. thats not okay. He is a poor helpless child! Grrr...