238, darn close to all day

May 12, 2006 09:28

After leaving Callisto's room Angel went back to 238. This was his last day in Fandom. He had to pack. There was plenty of time before he needed to meet the portal he'd arranged to go back home, but right now he felt better keeping himself busy with the mundane stuff.

As he sorted through his possessions to try to figure out what he'd take with him, he found a note.

Angel --

I see that you have not killed anyone in the last semester. I don't need to remind you that any fatality caused by you will be noted and dealt with. I am not your principal. This does not mean I will not be your judge, jury and executioner.

I understand you will be migrating to Los Angeles. Be aware that I live there myself and I will be keeping tabs. One misstep and you won't have time to regret it before I end your existence on this planet.

That said, it seems that you have turned out reasonably well and, although I question your taste in women, I think you will do well as long as you stay out of my way.


P.S. Please find enclosed: application paperwork for Credit Dauphine. I suggest you bank there. They have excellent staff.

Angel decided it was probably best not to wonder how that had gotten into his things.

Oddly touched by the gesture, Angel slipped the note into his bag and resumed packing.

Sean lay on Angel's bed, watching him.

[ooc: If you want to say goodbye to the vampire, this is the post to do it. He'll be in his room for the day and a good chunk of the night. Slowplay is okay if you need it. If any of your characters have met the new Buffy please don't mention that to Angel as I'd rather he didn't know.

Note from Spy Daddy was written by spyprincipal.

And I am NOT CRYING, ZOMG!!!!]

molly, callisto, logan, cordy, rory, cameron, 238, alanna, blair, isabel, parker, john, janet, bel, aeryn, brooding, lana, future_plans

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