238, after detention

Apr 09, 2006 00:51

So detention had been more fun than Angel had planned. There'd been kids. Kids who wanted to play and fingerpaint and enjoy snacks while John was a puppy.

Plus Angel had the chance to tell the kids a story with a valuable PSA attached to it. And you couldn't deny the fun of kids and weetiny bunnies.

But detention was over, Angel's chest was still hurting him, and he felt exhausted. So he went back to his room with the goal of getting some sleep.

Or at least that was the idea.

Instead what he ended up doing was digging out his sketchbook. He sat in bed, Sean curled up at his side and several weetiny bunnies asleep in the pockets of his hoodie, and drew.

Before coming to Fandom the Powers That Be who sent him here had blasted his mind with a view of many alternate realities.

One of those realities Lorne had confirmed.

And so, before closing his eyes and falling to sleep, Angel drew a picture, stared at it, then folded the book closed and put it under his pillow.

The picture was of a baby, and underneath it Angel had written "Connor."

[ooc: night!]

238, zomgweetinybunnies!!, detention, brooding

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