238, all day

Mar 19, 2006 15:48

Angel was in his room.

He had books, he had DVDs, he had a puppy.

He was still bored.

This could get dangerous.

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238, alanna, janet, molly, callisto, logan, vamp recovery

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Early afternoon psycho_jackass March 19 2006, 20:52:56 UTC
Logan knocked on the door.


Re: Early afternoon notstakedyet March 19 2006, 20:53:51 UTC
"Come in," Angel said, without thinking. Then he belatedly realized who it was and facepalmed.


Re: Early afternoon psycho_jackass March 19 2006, 20:57:54 UTC
"Hey," Logan said. "You still on house arrest?"


Re: Early afternoon notstakedyet March 19 2006, 21:00:27 UTC
By a miracle Angel did not leap out of the bed. He got out of the bed, and quickly, but it was not leaping so much as near stumbling.

"Um. Yeah," he said. Distance. Distance was good. Logan could be there and Angel... ideally could be in another country but barring that the other side of the room worked too. "No all clear from Janet yet."


Re: Early afternoon psycho_jackass March 19 2006, 21:04:00 UTC
"Dude, sit down," Logan said, waving a hand at him. "You need to rest. Want me to heat up some food for you?"


Re: Early afternoon notstakedyet March 19 2006, 21:06:54 UTC
"I'm good!" Angel assured him. Puppy. Puppies were safe. He sat on the couch and skritched Sean. "Not - not hungry at all. Boy you must be tired after the play last night, huh?"


Re: Early afternoon psycho_jackass March 19 2006, 21:15:13 UTC
Logan sat on the couch next to Angel and beckoned to Sean. "I was, yeah. And Veronica kept me up kinda late, too. 'S why I ended up sleeping for, like 12 hours."


Re: Early afternoon notstakedyet March 19 2006, 21:16:54 UTC
Sean, the furry little traitor, went over to say hi to Logan and try to lick him on the face.

Angel did his best to look at, well, anything. Boy was his bureau fascinating. "Yeah, uh, Cal and I came back here after. I - uh - sorry about that whole possession thing. You okay?"


Re: Early afternoon psycho_jackass March 19 2006, 21:22:24 UTC
Logan scratched Sean behind the ears. "Yeah, I'm fine. I barely remember it. Kinda like being really, really wasted. You're not pissed, are you? About Cal and...?" Logan gestured towards his ear.


Re: Early afternoon notstakedyet March 19 2006, 21:25:34 UTC
Angel glanced over. Then very quickly away. "Nope. No. Been possessed. Know what it's like. No fun. Not responsible for your actions. In fact let's just forget the whole thing happened."


Re: Early afternoon psycho_jackass March 19 2006, 21:27:17 UTC
Logan nodded. "Cool. Okay, I brought DVDs and a deck of cards. I'm yours for the afternoon, if you want me." He grinned and waggled his eyebrows.


Re: Early afternoon notstakedyet March 19 2006, 21:57:41 UTC
That got Angel off the couch in a hurry. "Um - probably a bad idea. Should rest. Both of us. Long weekend. Classes tomorrow. Trying to be good."


Re: Early afternoon psycho_jackass March 19 2006, 22:05:27 UTC
"Oh," Logan said, disappointed. "Yeah. If you need to rest, I get that." He set down the DVDs and the deck of cards on the couch next to him and stood up. "Well, if you get bored, I'm right down the hall."


Re: Early afternoon notstakedyet March 19 2006, 22:13:45 UTC
Angel caught the note of disappointment. Maybe because he was feeling it himself right now.

"It's not - I want to," Angel said, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I do. I just - I just want to get the all clear from Janet, you know? I think being cooped up like this is starting to mess with my head."


Re: Early afternoon psycho_jackass March 19 2006, 22:17:46 UTC
Logan nodded and smiled at Angel. "Yeah, I understand. Let me know when you're good to go and we'll hang." He walked towards the door, then stopped. "Oh, yeah, should you come looking for me, my room's now labled 528. Don't let it throw you."


Re: Early afternoon notstakedyet March 19 2006, 22:19:17 UTC
Angel blinked. "Do I want to know?"


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