Last night had been... nice. Really nice. Not, fortunately, perfectly happy nice but still, nice.
As Angel slowly climbed up towards wakefulness, he smiled. If today was anything like the night before, he had a lot to look forward to.
Phoebe felt Cole waking up next to her and she nudged her head under his arm so she could lay her head on the usual spot on his chest. It was nice and warm...and it was Saturday. They could stay like this all day if they wanted to.
Feeling a warm body snuggle up against him, Angel wrapped his arm around it. Callisto was right. This part was good.
Phoebe smiled in her sleepy haze and curled tighter against her boyfriend. She loved waking up like this.
Angel nuzzled the top of what he assumed was his girlfriend's head. If somewhere in the back of his mind was the observation that Callisto smelled different, it was buried under a lot of sleepiness and thoughts about how cool it was just to have a girlfriend.
Phoebe smiled and kissed Cole's chest as she listened to his heart beat, a calming sound that always had the ability to make her safe and sleepy again. This was her favourite part of the morning -- waking up in her boyfriend's arms.
Angel shifted. The snuggliness was nice, but he was starting to feel warm. Maybe if he took a layer of blanket off he could -
Angel frowned.
Wait, he never felt warm. Not unless he was bathing in holy water.
Phoebe protested the movement. "It's Saturday," she murmured. "Stay here a little while longer."
Angel was still sleepy enough that the sound of Phoebe's voice didn't register. "Something's wrong. I feel warm. I feel - "
A jolt of fear shot through him. Angel jerked away from the body next to him, terrified that the heat was just an early symptom of him about to lose his soul. "Get - get a stake. A weapon. Anything!"
Phoebe sat up.
"I am not going to get a weapon! Cole, what's wrong?"
"Something's wrong," Angel said. He put a hand to his face, checking for fever. Usually there was pain. Just before the soul left there was agonizing pain. "Parker was wrong. Sex does make - damn it, I knew it!"
"Cole! You're scaring me! What the hell were you doing talking to Parker about sex, anyway?" She moved closer to him. "Cole, calm down."
"I had to talk to Parker about sex because the curse said - " Angel paused. Phoebe's words finally filtered through to him. He turned around in confusion. "What did you just - Phoebe! What are you doing here?""
Phoebe blinked at him.
"I live here..."
She looked at Cole in confusion. "Cole, please, tell me what's wrong?"
Angel stared at her for a long time.
He then slapped himself, hoping this would cause him to wake up.
Phoebe jumped up to grab his hand...she is also not wearing much.
"Stop it!"
"Oh God -" Angel looked up. Ceiling. Ceilings were good. "Okay. Um - Phoebe, I think that there's been some kind of spell. And that this conversation would be a whole heck of a lot easier on me if you were maybe wearing a robe."
Okay, now he was hurting her feelings. What, she gets attacked and now he wants to have that conversation?
"Cole?" Phoebe said in a pained voice as she reached for one of his shirts and pulled it over her head.
"Okay, good. Clothes are - " Angel belatedly noticed how little he was wearing. He frantically searched for something to wear and came up with pants and a shirt. He just felt relieved that they weren't Phoebe's. At least as far as he knew.
"Okay. There's something really wrong. I am not supposed to be here."
She watched Cole hurriedly dress and her heart sank lower. When he said he wasn't supposed to be with her.
"Why not?"
"For starters, you're not my girlfriend."
Phoebe's eyes filled with tears at those words.
"I'm not..." She swallowed, getting up too quickly and sending a burning pain through her leg. She hissed in pain and closed her eyes for a moment. She hobbled to the closet and grabbed the first pair of pants she saw. She ignored the pain of the denim going over her leg as she focuses on the zipper, trying not to let the tears fall.
"You might have decided to do this before we slept together, last night," she whispered, a tear slipping down her cheek.
"I slept with you?" Angel wondered when the shocks were going to stop happening. "No, no. Last night I slept with Callisto. That I'm sure of. Or - pretty sure. Almost positive. This is turning into a really weird morning."
"You slept with Callisto?! You slept with the girl who wants to kill me because I tried to hump her boyfriend's leg when the gremlin bite made me think I was a dog?!"
Oh this was just getting better and better.
"So. she wouldn't accept my apology on her voice mail about what happened...but she'll fuck my boyfriend as an apology?! And to think I liked her, respected her!"
Phoebe's hands were shaking both from shock and from all sorts of pain. she was attacked, so Cole was leaving her...for Callisto...
"Does Angel know you're fucking his girlfriend, Belthazor? What, trying to take his soul wasn't good enough, you want his girl, too?"
Oh, riiiight. There was that other shock Angel'd been ignoring since, well, could you blame him? It was a long list.
"Phoebe, I'm not Bel."
Valkyrie sensed his pet's distress and came slinking out of the closet tunnel he and Seraphim had created found.
He saw Phoebe crying and turned his head to his male pet.
His fur stood up on end and he started growling...but it was a large sound to come from such a small kitten.
Phoebe threw a pillow at Cole.
"You bastard! If you wanted to dumpo me for being weak and could at least have the balls to come up with a better cover story!"
Angel ducked. His reflexes weren't as fast as they could be which meant not only was he starting to get a real good idea of what the problem was, but he was also hit in the face by a pillow.
"Phoebe, no. Listen to me. This isn't what you think it is."
Seraphim appeared out of nowhere, and when he saw Phoebe leaning against the wall crying and in great pain, he turned to Cole.
He arched his back and hissed at Cole, increasing his size. Valkyrie comes alongside him and also seems to get taller.
"-You hurt her-" Seraphim hissed.
"-Made her cry-" Valkyrie added, showing his teeth.
Phoebe had sank down onto a chair and her face was buried in her hands. This morning sucked.
Seraphim took one more look at the crying pet and he and Valkyrie leapt at Cole. They were going to hurt him for acting wrong.
It was a sad state of affairs that talking kittens were not the strangest part of Angel's day.
Pissed-off attacking kittens, on the other hand, were a bit more than he could take.
"Phoebe, no, I can - " Angel started to say, but then fight or flight instinct kicked in and just as the two kittens leapt something inside of Angel wanted to be elsewhere and then suddenly... he was.