Jul 13, 2005 07:57
I've pretty much given up on being able to put pictures properly on this fucking thing. I guess I'm gonna just have to wait until Monica gets back from camp, and then bother her about helping me with it.
I started at Altamonte about 2 weeks ago. So far so good. It's fast paced, so time goes by quickly. Plus there's never a moment with nothing to do, which I prefer.
I've found that not having bonded with my co workers yet has actually helped my customer relations. When you feel akin to your fellow co worker you feel like the customer is the enemy, i.e. just there to bother you. But if you don't have that bond, you feel more inclined to help the customer. My bad, "guest", we're not allowed to call our "guests" customers at AMC, in order to avoid sounding like the money hungry corporation that we are. LOL, just kidding. I like AMC, compared to the other theater chains I think they're the best. And not just because they're the largest and most successful. They treat their employees and "guests" with respect, and I appreciate that. I haven't had a really bad experience yet (not counting Fashion closing). Enough ass kissing (I found out some of my co workers have live journals, so I had to say that last part in case they found me). Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
Yet again I've found myself depressed over my weight. My recent realization that I've gained back 10 of the 30 lbs that I lost has left me feeling sorry for myself. I've seriously been slacking on my diet and exercise routine. I think I'm finally ready to start up again though. I've already been walking and on my feet for 9 hours or more at work, so I guess that's a start. What I really need to do is begin my crunches again. I used to do 200 crunches a day or more, but I stopped for some reason.
Not much else going on. School is gonna start soon. I'm kind of ambivilant about it. I need to see my advisor about getting into honors classes and finding out exactly what classes I need to take.
I've also been considering getting a second job again. I'm not used to not having extra spending money. I miss being able to consume to my heart's desire. Now I have to watch my spending habits. In my defense though, I mostly spend my extravagances on my friends and family.
I guess that's all for now.
Monica I miss you! I got your letter, I'm sending you one today!