This Will Be Brief (Sort Of)

Jun 06, 2005 16:10

I quit Dunkin. No warning, no notice. I just stopped showing up and stopped answering my phone when she called. Shitty, I know, but I have no regrets.

The theatre is closing. We found out last week. In less than 2 weeks the beloved Fashion Village 8 AMC will will be closing it's doors (that have been open for 20 years) forever. I'm hopefully trnasfering to Altamonte. And also hopefully I'll be getting increased hours, pay, and maybe even a promotion.

I feel like shit for not talking to Monica for so long. I feel like I've abandoned her. She's my best freind. Me and Leo are close, but Monica is my best friend. And I hope nothing will ever change that. Especially my inability to pick up the goddamn phone.

Been watching a lot of movies and buying a lot of cd's lately. Need to see "Cinderella Man" and "The Longest Yard". Tonight at the midnight sale at Park Ave. Cd's I will be picking up Coldplay's latest as well as The White Stripes. Last time I got Sleater Kinney and Common's new cd's, both exellent purchases.

Tomorrow is the Rilo Kiley show. I can't say I'm looking forward to it. I mean, I am, but not like I was The Faint show. I fucking danced my ass off! I think that's the first time I booyt danced in public. I had so much fun. I wish they could've played for longer than just 45 minutes. Bright Eyes was interesting yet again. I liked this show better than the one in support of "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning".

That's basically all that's been going on lately. Movies, job, music, shows, friends. I've got it pretty good right now. I'm quite happy. Partly because I quit that fucking downer of a job. I feel free.

Things To Do:

See "Enron" movie
Buy White Stripes and Coldplay
Pay Leo back for Coldplay ticket
Pay Edson back for Weezer ticket
Transfer to Altamonte
Write letter to Monica at camp
Get my car door fixed

I have a rant about Weezer that I haven't posted yet. I wrote it at work one day. It's actually just about Rivers, but seeing as how he considers just himself the band, I felt it was apropriate to say Weezer.

Weezer in Atlanta was an interesting affair. But that's a whole 'nother entry my friends.

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