
Dec 18, 2005 22:24

if you don't like dead baby jokes you won't like this, so don't read it. otherwise knock yourself out.
travis~you will LOVE this

sleepingbeauty: did you ever eat?
me!: nope
me!: my mom got home a bit ago
me!: and we had no food
me!: so she ran to the grocery store
me!: i get to have one of those frozen boxed dinner things
me!: zesty...*cough*
sleepingbeauty: ugh
me!: but it's edible
me!: which is all i care about right now
sleepingbeauty: so are babies
me!: LOL
sleepingbeauty: it might take less take to have a child and eat it
me!: well those are a little on the expensive side
sleepingbeauty: and at least a baby is warm
me!: ...
me!: rofl
me!: omg
me!: you don't even want to know what image popped into my head
me!: AH!
me!: i'm horrible...
sleepingbeauty: what?
sleepingbeauty: hell yeah i wanna know!
me!: LOL
me!: you said hell yeah!
me!: i don't think i've heard you say that
sleepingbeauty: tell me!!
me!: hahaha
me!: just combine the two thoughts
me!: of you eating a baby
me!: and corn on the cob
me!: self explanatory
me!: don't make me go into it
sleepingbeauty: hahahaha
sleepingbeauty: wonderful
sleepingbeauty: i love your mind
me!: with those little corn holders you have to stick in
me!: dear god....rofl
me!: i need to stop
sleepingbeauty: yummm
sleepingbeauty: toasted
sleepingbeauty: with salt and butter
me!: haha yeah
sleepingbeauty: just
me!: hot melted butter
me!: dripping
me!: ..........
sleepingbeauty: crunch crunch, smack
me!: god....
me!: shut me up!
me!: this is horrible...
me!: lmao
sleepingbeauty: a see a disturbing art project in your future
me!: .......LOL
me!: STOP!
me!: i have a horribly graphic mind
me!: you're just giving me ideas
sleepingbeauty: mmmm
sleepingbeauty: ooooh
sleepingbeauty: that would be neat
sleepingbeauty: light little burn marks on the baby where it was toasted too long
sleepingbeauty: hahaha
me!: ...sebastian
me!: oh my flipping god
me!: LOL
me!: OMG
me!: OMG
me!: OMG
sleepingbeauty: what?
me!: ROFL
me!: holy shit
me!: whew...
me!: whew
me!: lmao
me!: omfg
me!: i think it's miosis
me!: no
me!: i can't remember right
sleepingbeauty: what?
me!: where water transfers because of the levels
sleepingbeauty: osmosis
me!: yeah
me!: something with a sis at the end
me!: osmosis
sleepingbeauty: what about it?
me!: well you have to boil corn
sleepingbeauty: hahahahahaha
me!: therefore osmosis would be put into place
me!: and all you'd get
sleepingbeauty: wow, rachel
me!: would be some shriveled up baby
me!: LOL
sleepingbeauty: prune babies!!!!
me!: LMAO
me!: holy shit
me!: ow
me!: ow
me!: stop
me!: stop
sleepingbeauty: i know
me!: i'm laughing so freaking hard
sleepingbeauty: hahahahahahah
me!: i just imagined little shriveled up baby heads in a prune bag
me!: omshiva
sleepingbeauty: mmmmm
me!: look what you've done...
sleepingbeauty: hahahahahahaha
sleepingbeauty: good god
sleepingbeauty: crunchy.
sleepingbeauty: like malt balls
sleepingbeauty: ewwwww
sleepingbeauty: i just tasted crunchy malt baby head balls
me!: WOW
me!: i SO read that wrong
sleepingbeauty: *ahem*
me!: my eye caught three things
sleepingbeauty: AH!
sleepingbeauty: GOD NO!
me!: good god
me!: crunchy.
me!: balls
me!: LOL
me!: ohhhhhh NOW it's wrong
sleepingbeauty: ersdtrfgvhjgytkfdvxedtr56YTGTUIgT6&T*b o7 ^*^&UTgyVHfuy6ufu6u7FRUr% V^%r% ^YT
sleepingbeauty: yeah
me!: you're freaking talking about babies as corn on the cob and shriveled heads in prune bags!
sleepingbeauty: but crunchy baby testicles draws the line right here
me!: LMAO
me!: i'm soooo putting this conversation into an lj
sleepingbeauty: ugh
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