Mar 15, 2005 20:08
ironic i said that, cause i don't believe in god, at all, in any sense...that reminds me of english we had this journal with this religious question and she asked me to share and i said i don't know how to answer this, cause i couldn't. it was screwed. ANYway. today was probably the WORST day i've had in at least 3 years. i got so pissed today. if you saw me today you woulda been like holy shit...stay 3 feet away from that bitch. yup yup. i wake up late, run outta the house literally while getting ready and barely get in the car with cali who drives me to school like every other morning. i forget breakfast so i'm starving but luckily suz brought me strawberries <3 and i had left some snacks in my backpack from yesterdays rehearsel for the musical Cabaret which YOU SHOULD ALL GO TO. i don't care what your doing. you have three weekends to go, so go. if you don't and your my friend, i'll cry. lol. then second period comes and we had that stupid journal which was really annoying. this is what the question and my answer was...
wiesel (author of the book my class is readin) questions the existence of God after witnessing the unspeakable treatment of the prisoners by the nazis. do you think that you could remain a believing person and pray, if you witnessed these atrocities?
"i believe that god is a way to over-analyze life, a way for people to get by with reasoning, and for those that need answers, and aren't willing to accept that things are as they are and that things happen as they happen. so i imagine people would still believe after something like this, because they're still questioning, but this time questions god's authority;life's authority."
yeah that was a really stupid english assingment.
anyway so i get outta english and its break and that goes by and then graphics and so on. then the day really started to get fucked up. well yesterday i spent 4 hours straight painting this giant political cartoon on two seperate canvas' so that when they're combined its about 7.5x5.5 feet. so this is a big ass painting. and i spend all that time working on it and what i did was use an overhead to project it and then paint with that. well we had to return the overhead and so that'd take a while to get it back. but i walk in to check it, and someone has moved one of the canvas' across the room completely fucking me over. and so i got really angry and moved it back and walked out. then i had to go to oh so joyful spanish 3 ib....
well i have like a d+ in that class, cause i bombed the first test of the semester, the first thing in the grade book. that pretty much screwed me over so i reeeeeeeally need to get my grade up in that class cause my mom yells at me with b's. imagine what she'd do if i had an f. she'd like dissown me and send me to thailand or something. anyway i get this project back that i really needed to do well on, and i have a 28 out of 40. i got so mad cause at the bottom it said i didn't use the verb tenses assigned and i spent forever on that thing. and i went through it and found about 20 of em. so i go up and show her that i have those and then she lectures me on how i didn't meet the word requirement of 300 words anyway and that i just used a bigger font to cover it up and that i didn't do any of the requirements or researched for the school, when i did. and i explained that i did. and she just repeated herself and i got so frustrated. and she tells me it could've been at least a 35 if i had met the word requirement. so i leave and i come back about 10 or 15 minutes later after counting it and checking in at rehearsel and guess what? its 352 words. i'm 52 words over what was expected. so i go back to her and tell her that i did that. and now shes making me re write the whole thing and give it to her on thursday. so i have a few days to rewrite an entire paper all in spanish. plus she checked the homework that was due yesterday, that i had yesterday, but she checked it today. the day after it was due and i was like wtf? usually when my teacher doesn't check hw on the day its due, she never checks for it. she just assumes its done. so this really annoyed me cause i had it done on time and i didn't have it today so i got marked off in a class that i really don't need that in.
then after school once i have the overhead and everything is aligned up perfectly after spending like 20 minutes getting it perfect, mr. sean gorski runs by and trips on the cord pulling everything with him, letting the overhead roll away and completely dissattaching all that time i wanted to shoot someone. so i get it all lined up again after forever and a day and then they tell me i'm not gonna be able to even work on it cause we're running the show at rehearsel. which annoyed me even more...cause i wanna get it done.
then i get home and i'm sittin here and typing this and my mom comes home and i tell her about my day and of course like she always does she contradicts everything i say and makes it all sound like its my fault anyway and that i should've done this and should've done that and all that crap that i'm so tired of hearing and makes me sound like a sissy (which i prolly am) so now i feel like an idiot complaining about my day, cause it doesn't seem that big. i've had worse days...but whatever. i need to do hw. its 9 30, and i haven't gotten a chance to i'll prolly be up late again. if you took enough consideration to read this, then i love you, and if you comment, then i love you even more, cause i need people to talk to right now that own't make me sound yeah...night all...-rachel-