
Sep 09, 2011 11:57

Out of Character Information

player name: Jeni
player livejournal: I haz none. :(
playing here: Mohinder Suresh
where did you find us? Originally? Dear_mun
are you 16 years of age or older?: Yes!

In Character Information

character name: The Doctor (AKA Theta Sigma, John Smith, Ten, James McCrimmon, Dr. McCoy, Time Lord Victorious...and a lot more.)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Timeline: I am pulling the Doctor from "The Sound of Drums," when the Master has found and captured the Doctor and Jack Harkness aboard the Valiant.
character's age: 900 give or take. Timey Whimey stuff, you know.

powers, skills, pets and equipment:
The Doctor is a member of a humanoid, alien race called the Gallifreyans and is a Time Lord (the oligarchic ruling class of the planet Gallifrey) While he appears human in every way (save for some interesting internal additions), he is over nine hundred years old and has gone through a process called regeneration nine times. All Time Lords are given twelve regenerations which allow each member to 'cheat death.' Regenerating causes the Time Lord to change physically, mentally, and emotionally, making him or her both the same and different. All memories of previous regenerations are retained, but everything from taste buds to personality to style preferences are dramatically different after each cycle.

The Doctor has two hearts, allowing for one to be injured or disabled while still allowing him to live. He also has a respiratory bypass, allowing him to breath far less often than humans, survive poison gas and even strangulation. Gallifreyans are much stronger than humans and far more resilient. They are also able to enter a healing sleep to repair themselves. The Doctor has shown superior senses of low-light sight, ability to taste chemical compositions down to blood type, and enhanced smell.

The Doctor can speak several thousand languages despite having a time machine that translates for him. He also is able to retain vast amounts of information, though he admits to forgetting details here and there. He is also proficient when dealing with large varieties of technology and can cobble fantastic devices together rather easily.

The Doctor does not care to use weapons, though he does have a sonic screwdriver that allows him to open, close, seal, unlock, disable and enable devices as well as scan things for information. He also has a coat with temporal pockets, allowing it to hold far more than it looks like it would be able to.

He also has psychic paper, which allows him to not only receive telepathic messages but also to show a person whatever they expect to be on there. He uses it primarily to trick people into believing he has various ID badges.

Generally, the Doctor's equipment would include his TARDIS, but at the time of his arrival through the Doorway, the Master has captured it and turned it into a Paradox Machine.

canon history: The Doctor's History, The Wikipedia Entry, and most importantly, The Tenth Doctor's Timeline!
Long story short: The Doctor is an alien from the planet Gallifrey. He stole a time/space machine and takes typically human companions around the universe for fun. Long thought to be the last of his kind, he recently found out that not to be the case. After unleashing the Master onto the world, the Doctor's been trying to stop him from being a megalomaniac and taking over. So far? It's been less than successful.

The Tenth incarnation of the Doctor is by far the most morally and emotionally complex of his previous regenerations. This Doctor is rude, light-hearted, witty, sarcastic, jovial, manic, forgetful, clever, burdened and remorseless...often all at the same time.

He is extremely excitable, given to babbling, and often talks as if his sole intent is to gain the interest or at least the attention of those around him.

The Doctor has a selective morality. He is just as likely to be cruel to his enemies as forgiving and kind depending on his mood or his own emotional ties to the situation. Though many incarnations of the Doctor (including his Eleventh) abhor the thought of killing or harming living creatures, the Tenth Doctor has no qualms about it.

Because of this, the Doctor has earned the title: "The Oncoming Storm." Intelligent races that know about him typically tend to fear him. He does, however, suffer survivor's guilt over the destruction of his home planet, something he blames himself for doing though it was the only way to stop his people from destroying the entire universe. Because of this and his long life span, he is an incredibly lonely man, despite hiding it well.

The Doctor comes off as being carefree and a wild spirit. He shirks duty in favour of site seeing. His favourite race is, therefore, humanity because only humans can see the universe with as much curiosity as he does. As he believes through most of the previous and current incarnation that he is the last of his race, the Doctor continues his tradition of inviting along human companions to travel with him.

Though rarely linked romantically to his companions, this incarnation of the Doctor sees a little more action than his previous regenerations. He is flirty and generally is quite pleased when he is kissed. However, he seems to prefer hand holding and hugs to other sorts of physical, sexual expressions and comes off as being quite asexual.

why do you feel this character would be appropriate to the setting?
The most remarkable thing about the Doctor is that he's appropriate in absolutely every setting. He is not only timeless, but a remarkable historian and lover of art and technology. Mysteries and intrigue are to be followed and dissected. His innate curiosity will no doubt get him into trouble with the Mist and his quirkiness will either endear him to the population or make him an enemy. Neither of those options will dissaude him from trying to save everyone, however.

Writing Samples

Network Post Sample:
Oooh! Brilliant! A handheld video recording device? Oh, and let's see here, yes! Connected to likely identical devices that-- Oh, now this is clever!

[The Doctor tilts his Forge until he's sure his face is in view. Spiky hair waves almost emphatically as his dark eyes shimmer with excitement.]

I've no idea who you are, but I do appreciate that last minute save. Well done! One small, teensy problem... I'm missing two very good friends and a rather insane Time Lord. Oh, yes, and my TARDIS. Don't suppose you could just, oh, pop those in for us?

[He pauses.]

No? Please?

Third Person Sample:
No one seemed to understand what it was like to find the TARDIS as they did. The Doctor almost felt as if his very life had been drained out of him. He loved her like no other and to see her spread out, bare and brutalized, was enough go make him ill. One didn't spend most of their life with a living, breathing piece of perfection and not fall terribly in love with it. He swallowed hard. "We have to end this."

Captain Jack, meddling, wonderful, itchy Fixed Point that he was pushed on ahead of them all, leading the way as if it was his right. The Doctor didn't mind so long as he and Martha played their parts well in the struggle to come. Getting the perception filter around Saxon to reveal him as the Master would be impossible, but the Doctor was fond of impossible things, much like Carroll's White Queen. He just didn't have to think of them when he could simply live them.

The Master had to be stopped, not only for the sake of his ship, but also for the sake of humanity and for the Master himself. They couldn't go on like this. The elaborateness of the plot, at least, gave the Doctor hope. The other Time Lord was as beautifully brilliant and as clever as he had ever been. He could still reason with him. There was still a chance!

No matter how slim it ended up being.

Slim, it turned out, was not the proper word in any of the thousands of languages that the Doctor knew. One wave of the Master's laser screwdriver and plan B had to be enacted. Now, it was all up to Martha Jones. The Doctor only had to survive long enough for her to succeed.

Anything else? ...Hurray for steampunk!
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