The Broken Doctor: Part Four

Jun 11, 2010 23:28

The Master Conquered The Doctor
Having not been in the Doctor's and Theta's bedroom on the Red TARDIS since the incident after the party, the Master found himself willing to risk it for a little mischief.  Writing in in that was both impervious to soap, scrubbing, and a sonic screw driver, he marked the Doctor with a simple phrase:  "The Almighty Lord and Master of it All was here and Conquered the Doctor."

The Singularity Bombs
With Saxon still a problem, and London Jack and his team working on a way to capture the Time Lord, the Master decided it was better to have a Plan B.  Namely?  Putting black holes in people.  Including himself.  He confided in Theta that he was dying anyway.  In an attempt to keep the Doctor away from him and his dangerous cargo, the Master went so far as to make the Doctor cry by telling him go away and never return.  After the Doctor had a bought of manic depression, Theta and his Time Lord returned to the junkyard to collect the Master, eventually chasing him down and making him run out of energy.  While the Master recovered in the Red TARDIS with Chester (a giant teddy bear stolen from another Doctor by Theta for the Doctor), the Doctor and Theta have their first date.

It was time for the Doctor and Master to begin to remove the bombs from people, once London Torchwood took down Saxon on their own and Plan B was no longer needed.  First came Jack's operation before Theta assisted with the one on the Master.

Meeting the Eleventh Doctor
The Saxon crisis over and the singularity bombs no longer a problem, Eleven showed up to make the Doctor's life miserable with confiding in him that he wanted to fix the merging worlds!  That meant that everyone that Doctor knew and loved -- like Theta and Lone Rose -- would be taken from him!

Not Drippy Plays Nanny!
For two weeks, the Master and the Doctor have their own personal pancake making Not Drippy (Dabble Ianto).  He cooked for the Time Lords, cleaned up after them, and played with their toy Teletubbies of Doom!

Theta vs WeeTARDIS
The Doctor met a Doctorless TARDIS and the two became fast friends.  He gave her her freedom almost right away, allowing her to exist indefinitely without a Doctor.  In return, she became his Companion, shrinking herself to fit in his pocket when he wasn't traveling inside of her!  Unfortunately, she realized right away that he was not quite a Doctor anymore, not with the Master in his head.  The TARDIS met Theta not long after and trapped him inside of her because he was not polite.

While Theta was gone, the Master grew tired of the Doctor's attitude.  Still having nightmares about the coffin, the Doctor slept inside of Theta's dreams with him.  Without Theta to do that with, the Doctor was getting nuttier than usual.  Luckily, the Master -- sharing a dream with the Doctor who still refused to go into the Master's room after the Valeyard raped him there -- was able to smash the coffin, allowing the Doctor to sleep alone again.  With no Theta and no Wee Blue...and the Red TARDIS refusing to move from Central Park, the Doctor broke into Torchwood and stole a TARDIS coral.  He and Master than began to grow their own TARDIS.

It was just suppose to be a little fun, testing out a new weapon, but the Doctor ended up disintegrating everyone and everything in a busy New York intersection.  In despair for what he did, he had a conversation with Eleven...and ended up beating him.

Finally, when all seemed lost for the Doctor, Wee Blue let Theta go...only for Red TARDIS to snatch him up and lock him away again!  BD just can not win when it comes to lovers!

Once More A Valeyard
Valeyard easily takes control of the Doctor again.  He tormented Luke -- who was still in love with the Doctor -- and broke his hand and arm.  Next came Not Drippy's turn for torment before he let him go back to Jack.  Finally, the Doctor managed to pull himself out of the Valeyard.  How?  He discovered that happiness was the key to staying himself.  No more worrying about who he was or what he was doing.

The Master Overloaded!
Overloading, the Master finally is unable to keep from the Doctor, who knew already, that he was dying.  The Doctor, however, was not ready to leave the man he finally admitted to loving (the first time he managed to say it actually!).  Pulling the disarmed singularity bombs he had stolen from the operations he went on with the Master from Chester's head (destroying his beloved teddy bear in the process), the Doctor used the nano-genes in his sonic to transfer energy from the devices to the Master to keep him alive.  When that didn't work, he gave the Master fifty years of his life, much like he gave ten to the TARDIS on Pete's World oh so long ago.

In thanks, the Master painted their portion of Central Park red and silver to match Gallifrey for the Doctor and took Chester to Not Drippy to have him "regenerate."  The two Time Lords went to the Central Park zoo to see Phil the bear...and end up stealing ALL of the Black Bears in the enclosure!

And that brings us up to date on everything important that's happened thus far!

bv: [summary]

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