The Broken Doctor: Part Two

Jun 11, 2010 19:55

Raid On The Red TARDIS
This was our first "big" RP episode with many members of the Brokenverse taking part.  It started off with the Doctor crunching carrots much too loudly.  Already about to have a breakdown, Theta snapped and went after the Doctor.  To prevent himself from killing the Time Lord, Theta slit his wrists.  About that time, Theta's Jack, NYC Jack, Drippy Ianto and Lone Rose arrive at the Red TARDIS to seize Theta before he can hurt anyone.  Rose and Ianto go inside, find the Doctor, and end up getting "flush" out of the TARDIS!  Theta's Jack bribed him with Chocolate, Theta's drug of choice, and killed him.  To make it up to the Doctor afterward, a newly revived Theta and Lone Rose spent some time together as Theta spray painted flowers in crazy colors to give as a gift.

Completing the Trio
The Master finished working on the TARDIS Broken Jack gave him and, after a bad day of zapping himself, wanted to go to Gallifrey.  The Doctor, distraught that the Master would die doing it, agreed to go with.  They spent the day there, took pictures, and returned unharmed, though the TARDIS exploded.   Fighting with Broken Jack upon their return, the Valeyard made another brief appearance.  The Broken Doctor killed a woman brutally.  Luckily, Theta always seemed to know where to find him with handiwipes and cleaned the Doctor up while listening to the story of Gallifrey.  Appalled, Theta made the Doctor a deal.  He could never break a Time Lock again and while he could kiss anyone he wanted, he could only sleep with Theta, or the Master.  Theta suggested that the Doctor bring the Master to the Red TARDIS to live to keep an eye on him.  Eventually, the Master agreed with a lot of persuasion.

Theta was not exactly missing, he often would go off wandering, but the Doctor noticed that he hadn't come home in a few days.  To cheer him up, the Master takes the Doctor on a string of adventures culminating in a trip to a planet that the Master set up to worship him.  After an incident with pear juice, the Valeyard, obsessed with the Master, came out of the Doctor completely and raped the Master.  This thread is not for the faint of heart.  The Master stops talking to the Doctor, even when the Valeyard recedes again.  Understandably.

The Doctor's TARDIS learned to become a girl a few days later and decided to leave him.

The Return of Saxon
Saxon returned to the merged worlds with the Valiant, ready to become Prime Minister again.  This time he knew what to do.  Recruiting Broken Jack and Ianto, he began to knock off the competition, running the drums through all broadcast outlets like the radio, television, and even youtube!

Theta's Rescue
It turned out that Theta was not just on a trip around town, having some fun here and there.  He was missing.  His Jack, using the resources of the New York Hub, encased Theta in concrete.  Every few hours Theta woke up and suffocated to death.  Over and over.  The Master, a powerful telepath, heard Theta's call to keep the Doctor safe, but still was not talking to him.  Finally, the Master told the Doctor about Theta's constant deaths.  They fought, but decided to do something for the metacrisis that they both lived with.  Along with Lone Rose, the Doctor and Master went to New York to save Theta.  Master used up all of his energy to break the concrete and Theta's Jack was locked up by the New York Torchwood for two days before disappearing.  In the aftermath, the Doctor and Master made up.

bv: [summary]

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