Cast of Characters

May 30, 2010 10:28

Brokenverse CharactersPS:  I know I haven't included everyone in both lists.  This is a work in progress.  It was also done entirely by me based off of what I know of characters I've played with.  Use at your own risk.  If you don't see your character, be more active or play with one of my people so I know who you are!!!

First, here is the gang broken down by original 'verse they came from.
Original Brokenverse
Broken Doctor, Broken Master, Broken Jack, Broken Rose, Broken Ianto, Broken Donna, Goldie

Red TARDIS 'verse
Theta Sigma, Jack Harkness (Theta's Jack)

Between S1 & S2 Torchwood
Ianto Jones (Drippy), Owen Harper (Wanker)

AU Canary Wharf
Rose Tyler (Lone Rose), Doctor (Lost Doctor)

New York Torchwood
Captain Jack Harkness (NYC Jack), Ianto Jones (NYC Ianto), Toshiko Sato (NYC Tosh), Owen Harper (NYC Owen), Gwen Cooper (NYC Gwen), Alisa Rodriguez, Doctor (Tenthdoc)

200 Years Gone
Captain Jack Harkness (London Jack, 200yr Jack), Doctor (th Doctor), Captain John Hart

2nd Season TW
Ianto Jones (Dabble)

Doctorless TARDIS
Wee Blue

Defying 'verse
Doctor (Defy Doctor), Master (Buckety Master)

Pre Season 1 DW
Jack Harkness (Young Jack)

Time Agency
Isaac Janus (Izzy), Elijah Janus (Eli)

Blue Eyed Doctor's TARDIS
Doctor (Blue-Eyed), Rose Tyler (Pancake Rose), Jack Harkness (Not Really)

Fob Watch 'verse
Doctor (David), John Theta Sigma Smith (Good Theta)

HP 'verse
Dennis Creevey

Season 5 Canon
Eleventh Doctor (TOTK), Amy Pond (which?), Donna Noble, Rory, Jack Harkness (which?)

Pete's World
Jack Harkness (TARDIS Jack)

Heroes 'verse
Luke Campbell

Cannibal 'verse
Master (Wasteland)

Mars/Ashes 'verse
Sam Tyler

Next, here is the gang broken down by relationship groupings (with mini bios)!
Theta Sigma - handoften 
Theta is a meta crisis who grew the Red TARDIS.  He is clinically insane, a murderer, and a sociopath.  He has managed to find charms and spells across the universe to keep him from dying.  Theta's Jack Harkness does not play with us much in BV but he and Theta have had a past relationship based on lust and a game of cops and robbers.  He is responsible for the death of 100 Torchwood Agents in his version of Pete's World.
Broken Doctor  - notsoperfect10 
Just after the Master used all of his energy to send Gallifrey back to the Time Lock, the Doctor attempted to merge with him.  This caused his mind to shatter.  He remembers 50% of his life prior to the merge, some of his mind has been transferred to the Master and the Doctor was left with the drums.  He counteracts this by wearing combination of yellow, purple and green.  His broken mind has forced him to "imprint" on others and he often takes their personality traits to fill in his own.  Occasionally this includes the manifestation of the Valeyard.
Broken Master - themastereffect 
After the Doctor merged with the Master to save his life, the Master disappeared for a little while and was presumed dead.  He became the king of the wastelands in a junkyard outside of London.  Eventually, the Doctor convinced the Master to stay with him.  The Master occasionally loses control of himself and his electricity and has mellowed down, but still has a penchant for lasers and building odd devices.
Chester - (NPC)
Chester the Bear is a 6 foot long stuffed animal.  The Doctor drags him around from time to time and has tea parties with him.  He currently houses disabled black hole bombs as well.
Colin - (NPC)
Colin is a pure white kitten gotten for Theta on his birthday when the Master misunderstood the purpose of the cat on the party invitation.
Red (AKA Scarlet) - (NPC)
The Red TARDIS has a life of her own.  She dislikes all things Rose Tyler and has a perimeter defense system in place.  Generally, she is parked in a corner of Central Park.

Torchwood: London Gang
Jack Harkness (London, 200yr) - cpt_51century 
After the decimation of Torchwood Three in Cardiff due to his brother and the 456 invasion, Jack left Earth to seek his fortune.  During that time he became the Captain of a space pirate ship, had his wrist strap fixed, and was traveling with his Doctor (th) until he accidentally ran across an alternate version of his dead former lover, Ianto Jones (Dabble).  He is currently the head of Torchwood: London group.
Ianto Jones (Dabble) - stopwatchdabble 
When London Jack crashed into his Hub accidently, Ianto had a choice...stay with his own Jack who was distant and sleeping with Gwen Cooper or travel with an older, wiser Jack Harkness.  He chose the latter.  Currently second in command at the new London Hub, Ianto is in charge of research.  He is empathic and has an eidetic memory.
Ianto Jones (Drippy) - stopwatchlover 
Deceived by Theta's Jack into believing that he was his own, absent version, Ianto traveled with him to New York City and integrated himself into the New York Hub.  After a failed attempt to capture Theta Sigma, Theta's Jack left NYC and Ianto behind.  The Broken Master kidnapped Ianto to test his laser wristwatch and gave him the name "Drippy" because of how often the man cried.  Later, he was the Valeyard's first broken finger victim.  He is currently recovering from his injuries at Torchwood London, rooming with Owen (wanker) and having a casual relationship with Young Jack.
Doctor Owen Harper (Wanker) - letsallhavesex 
After his Torchwood team was disassembled by Theta's Jack and sent all over the world, Owen set out to find the others.  He eventually stumbled on his own Ianto (Drippy) in New York City.  He is currently the chief medical doctor at Torchwood London.  Bad luck follows Owen and each attempt to have an outing has resulted in being chased by some sort of monster.
Luke Campbell - microwavedurmom 
Luke was the Broken Doctor's Companion for a year following the seemingly unsuccessful merge with the Broken Master.  He is able to control microwaves including use of satellites through a mutation in his genes.
Isaac & Elijah Janus (Twins) - isaac_janus & elijah_janus 
Twenty-eight year old Time Agents, they were sent to capture and return Jack Harkness to the Agency.  Unfortunately, in Brokenverse, the Time Agency no longer exists.  They now are trying to figure out how to live in the 21st Century.
John Hart - cptn_john_hart 
Old friends and a former lover of 200yr Jack, he comes and goes as he pleases, usually to piss off either Jack or one of the Iantos.
Dennis Creevey - kingcreevey 
Dennis is a thirteen year old Wizard formerly attending Hogwarts.  With the Death Eaters in charge, he's been left to his own devices.  Dennis was once a companion to a Doctor.  The Broken Doctor also gave him his old, broken sonic screwdriver.  Currently he's using his genius to help TW: LND with their research work.

Torchwood: New York Gang
Jack Harkness (NYC Jack) - cjharknesstw 
Jack is engaged to Alisa.  He relocated the gang from Cardiff after the 456 attack which, luckily, everyone managed to survive.
Ianto Jones (NYC Ianto) - mrcoffeejones 
Ianto managed to survive the 456 attack but it broke his relationship with Jack.
Doctor Owen Harper (NYC Owen) -
Owen survived the original Cardiff Torchwood without dying either time.
Toshiko Sato (NYC Tosh) -
Tosh survived the attack by Jack's brother Gray.
Gwen Cooper (NYC Gwen) -
Gwen just had her baby daughter.
The Doctor (tenthdoc) - tenthdoc 
Current companionless.  Once took David McDonald on a joyride to New Earth.
Jack Harkness (TARDIS Jack) - captain_flyboy 
This Jack is older than NYC Jack.  He has a TARDIS he grew in Pete's World.

Doctor-David & Companions
Dr. David McDonald/The Doctor (DoctorDavid) - impulsive_charm 
After leaving Rose and the metacrisis on the beach in Pete's World and removing the memories of himself from Donna Noble's mind, the Doctor decided he needed some time off.  Taking another spin as a human, he created the character David McDonald, a mild mannered physics teacher and consultant to the ESA.  Though his memories have been returned to him by his metacrisis, sometimes David still 'wakes' up.  His is also the younger, alternate version of Theta's Doctor.
John Theta Sigma Smith (Good Theta) - pieceoften 
Having worked for Torchwood in Pete's World as their version of Ianto Jones, Theta found himself in Brokenverse quite accidentally.  He travels with the Doctor now so that the Doctor can keep him from becoming evil like the other Theta.
Sam Tyler - madorcoma 
Fresh from the events in "Life on Mars" and "Ashes to Ashes" Sam still periodically jumps time to the past.  He and David are slowly becoming very good friends.  He is also 'dating' a post Saxon & blond-era Master.
Rose Tyler (Lone Rose) - lone_defender 
Rose managed to hold on during the Battle of Canary Wharf and her Doctor (Lost Doctor) fell through the veil into Pete's World.  She's generally seen as a sympathizer towards the Red TARDIS crew and has been to David enough to allow David to think that they are 'dating.'  Rose also has been given the TARDIS which she originally used to track down her Doctor before he turned up in Brokenverse.  In her own universe, she heads Torchwood rather than Jack Harkness.
Galileo - (NPC)
Galileo is David's pet goldfish.  He is almost unhealthily attached to it and when the Doctor is out and about, he and Theta argue over who is the actual owner of Galileo.  Theta frequently takes the fish for walks in a special carrier.

Remaining Broken Characters
Broken Jack - torturedright 
While the Broken Doctor was traveling with Luke, the 456 came to Earth.  Jack, broken from his time with the Master on the Valiant, just let the aliens take 12% of the world's children.  He is clinically insane and a murderer several times over.
Broken Ianto - torturedright 
Having never recovered from the implanted thoughts from Adam about being a serial killer, Ianto still goes around strangling women.  Recently, Broken Rose did Broken Jack a favor and made Ianto an immortal.
Broken Rose - torturedright 
Rose and the Meta Crisis were left on the beach in Pete's World with a bit of TARDIS coral.  There was an accident that left John Smith dead and the TARDIS fully grown.  Rose used the power of the Bad Wolf to make John like Jack.  He has since left her, terrified of himself.  Rose and the Golden TARDIS now reside in Brokenverse where she acts like a prophetess.
Goldie - golden_tardis
The Golden TARDIS can become a woman and is Broken Rose's companion.

Piecemeal Grouping
Wee Blue -  doctors_friend 
The Doctorless TARDIS has been given her freedom to act as her own person by the Broken Doctor.  She can shrink to pocket size for easy transportation and is friends with the Broken Doctor, Donna Noble and the Lost Doctor.
The Lost Doctor - lost_doctor 
After falling into Pete's World instead of Lone Rose, the Doctor spent six years as a Torchwood agent, living with Jackie and Pete Tyler.  He is the most human Doctor (minus the moments when Doctor David is currently living as David).  He was Chester's original owner before Theta stole him

TOTK 11's Group
Eleventh Doctor - thatoldthatkind  
This Doctor is completely canon up to what is currently being shown.  I have not been following this group, though I know it consists of an Amy or two, a Donna, a Jack and a Rory.  Possibly a Master?  I am not current with S5 canon and don't much care for it thus far but I still don't want to be spoiled.  Sorry new season people!  TOTK keeps a pretty good record of what's going on with that group over on his journal though. 

bv: [summary]

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