"Mr. Saxon Says Kill"

Apr 30, 2010 12:33

"Mr. Saxon Says Kill"
Who:  Broken Master & Broken Doctor
What:  In preparation for the battle with the Big Bad Saxon, the Master tries to teach the Doctor to embrace the dark side...without actually crossing over to the dark side!

This was...strange.  The Doctor sat where the Master told him to in the Junkyard on a little tin bin behind a piece of ( Read more... )

bv: [adult], bv: person.master

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Comments 70

themastereffect April 30 2010, 16:43:50 UTC
The Master needed to get the Doctor ready. Saxon needed to die... or at least suffer greatly, yet he knew his Doctor was far too nice still, even with part of his mind inside the Doctors. He needed to desensitise him and somehow avoid Valeyard rising. He also knew that the Doctor would never listen to him if he said it up front. He'd tried several times before and it never did managed to work out.

So now he was trying a different tact. It had taken him all of last night to find the perfect 'bait', several minutes with some felt and a sewing needle and some clever rearranging of his junk-yard to get it all sorted. He'd ever made a makeshift stage with a curtain, which he was very proud of.

The Master proceeded to stick his head out of the curtain and putting his finger to his lips. "Shhhh, just sit still and behave. Today we're learning a lesson in the easiest way that your mind will allow it."


notsoperfect10 April 30 2010, 16:55:24 UTC
The Doctor ought to have been insulted and any half-brained human man would have been but the Doctor was a curious creature, broken or not. It was a good thing that the Master hadn't advertised this show or all of the other Doctors might have decided to come on by!

Nibbling at his lips, the Doctor did try to sit still. For the Master to have to tell him that was almost, almost a low blow. Honestly! What sort of creature with the attention span of a newt would dare tell anyone else not to fidget!?

"I'd rather go have a banana split than learn a lesson. I'm already as smart as you are. Smarter perhaps!"


themastereffect April 30 2010, 17:02:37 UTC
"You are not!" The Master yelled from behind the curtain, a hand wriggling out and grasping the side of the material, pulling it along with a bright smile, boarder on devious. There stood the Master, dressed as usual with his one hand behind his back. Course there was something else there which was considerably harder to ignore.

A young man, completely unconscious, was handcuffed to a network of broken pipes align strategically. The Master gave the man a look before turning to the Doctor.

And out came the other hand, a rather scarily cute looking puppet in the form of Harry Saxon sat on his hand, complete with a little tie and crop of brown hair. "Today, me and Mr Saxon here are going to teach you allll about killing."

Both the Master and puppet Master nodded their heads.


notsoperfect10 April 30 2010, 17:29:22 UTC
The Doctor clapped for several seconds, eyes bright, before he frowned again and pursed his lips. The 'oh, puppet show! Brilliant!' was changed into a "What are you doing?!"

He moved to stand up, not exactly to unshackle the poor man behind the Master, but to pull the Master away from the softly breathing victim. He didn't like the smell of cooked humans and he didn't want the Master to get too hungry and decide to eat him!

That, and he really wanted to shake Mr. Saxon's little hand.


themastereffect May 2 2010, 15:32:48 UTC
The Master nodded his head as he took the knife, rolling their victim onto his back and pulled himself over the broken body. "I've always had manners. I just like the option of being able to chose when to use them."

With a dark glint in his eyes, the Master gripped the mans head, holding it still as he pried the mouth open. It took a few moments of wrestling and attempting to avoid being bitten but finally there was an audible slicing noise and the knife dropped from the Masters hand. There was a choked gargle from the man and the Master rolled off his, his hands stained with blood... and the mans tongue in his hand.

"There, now he'll be nice and quiet. We will no longer be rudely interrupted," The Master grinned darkly and dropped the content of his hand onto the dirty look, inspecting the human with a frown. "Though we may have to roll him onto his stomach to prevent choking."


notsoperfect10 May 2 2010, 15:47:32 UTC
"There are too many rules," the Doctor said, frowning a little as the man sputtered blood in a fountain. He was trying to keep himself relatively clean. This was a bit...disgusting. A part of himself recoiled and cried, but the Mater in his brain was soothing. This man was a criminal. He'd killed someone. This was not just fair, but justice!

And a bit fun too!

The Doctor's mind accepted these things, the spots between his thoughts and his memories that still existed needed this. He absorbed everything he was taught and built bridges.

Oh, he was so tired.

He was so needy to have bridges to connect what he knew that he took anything offer.


themastereffect May 2 2010, 16:07:20 UTC
The Master rolled the man onto his back, blood leaking out of his mouth in a small little stream. It reminded the Master of a waterfall, his eyes practically lighting up at the idea.

There was blood all over the Masters hands, the cuffs of his hoodie, his shoes, his trousers and even smeared over his face in different places. He truly looked as psychotic as he was, after all those murderous tendency were still there inside him, even if parts of the Doctors mind now blocked them. Altered them and channelled them into different means of release.

"You know... I rather like doing this with you. We should do it more often," The Master offered, it'd taken him a while to actually work up the nerve to admit that but it did feel good. It was nice to not be isolated and to share this with the Doctor. Saxon would certainly be in for some surprises when it came down to it.

He reached out and silently grasped the Doctors fingers, not fully holding his hand, just showing his appreciation.


notsoperfect10 May 2 2010, 16:20:24 UTC
Any time that the Master touched him, unprovoked, make the Doctor beam so widely that his jaw looked about ready to crack. "I like doing anything with you!" came the breathy reply that the Doctor always had when he was trying to swallow up the gobs of enthusiasm he possessed. His lips tingled as he pressed them to the side of the Master's mouth, not a full on kiss, but the dying human was looking at them.

The Doctor laughed, dislocating his elbow and wrenching his arm to snap the radius and ulna in one motion.

"Two for one!" he beamed.


themastereffect May 3 2010, 23:00:06 UTC
The Master raised an eyebrow, trying to keep up with the Doctors quick hands. "What do you think? Doing the shopping! I mean... this! In a junkyard?"

The Master lifted his hips up regardless to assist the Doctor in getting his trousers down. Well he may not of been happy but he was hardly going to say no and walk away. He was happy to be with his Doctor and if this was how it was to be, then he was fine with it.

Though he wasn't prepared to be the only one who was without trousers. He leaned up to tug at the Doctors trousers, trying to get them down as well.


notsoperfect10 May 3 2010, 23:14:55 UTC
"You don't shop in a junkyard, you can just take it. And this is your junkyard so it's not even stealing." They were having a very usual, very normal conversation right here, exactly as they had been while they were torturing that poor man to death. The Doctor wriggled out of his pants and left them side before he leaned down to suck delicious kisses from the mouth of his best friend and dearest, more wonderful ex-enemy.

He was quite happy to be doing all of this and even if they were out on the street, he'd be all right with that too. This was mostly just amusement, an act to feel good doing.

After their killing and that meal, he wanted closeness.


themastereffect May 3 2010, 23:40:18 UTC
"The TARDIS isn't far away," The Master pointed out, just for the hell of it. The Doctor seemed to have missed his point, which wasn't unexpected. Still, he decided to let it go, even if he didn't like being this public. He never did, things like this should be private.

Then again, it was hardly the oddest thing they'd done today. They slaughter a man brutally then proceeded to have lunch. It wasn't exactly a normal thing.

Throwing his objection out the door, he kissed the Doctor back, his fingers tangling into the other Time Lords hair, giving it a small tug, angling his head so the Master could get a better aim.


notsoperfect10 May 3 2010, 23:56:20 UTC
OH! The Master did know exactly the way to kiss him. Oh, and so brilliantly too. Hair tugging had become quite a fun aspect of their relationship and the Doctor followed suit to tug back on golden strands.

The piece of earth that they happened to be laying on was relatively smooth and free of pieces of broken glass and metal. He'd made sure of that, as they were about to go and have lunch just before this. Who wanted to eat lunch on a piece of shrapnel?

"The TARDIS... I'm tired of the TARDIS sometimes. It's just us here."


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