"Set An Extra Place For Dinner!"

Apr 15, 2010 23:46

"Set An Extra Place For Dinner!"
Who: Doctor (me), Theta (handoften ), Alt Ianto (stopwatchlover ...also me)
Why:  The Doctor brings home a stray.  The Valeyard was NOT kind.

The Master was much less bouncy in his step as he dragged himself through the door and grunted something on the way to his bedroom.  He looked half asleep and smelled like blood.  The Doctor was a little more careful, glancing through the door to the inside of the console room.  "Red, don't zap us, all right?" he said, speaking so very softly as he might talk to an aloof pet cat.  "Oh, and no flushing us, yeah?"

Testing the TARDIS, he turned around and backed in slowly.  Nothing reached out to electrocute him and the Doctor perked up.

"Excellent, brilliant!  Thank you!" he chirped as if he was not carrying a Welshman covered in blood with all of his fingers snapped through the TARDIS door.  "Theta here?"

Of course he was, always at work on something.  He'd been with him just the night before, and the night before that, but it still felt as if it had been forever.  The Valeyard was an annoying passenger sometimes, especially when he grabbed the wheel and ruined drippy Tea Boys.

bv: person.iantodrippy, bv: person.valeyard, bv: person.theta, bv: person.master

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