I Come Bearing Gifts! - for themastereffect

Apr 14, 2010 08:19

"I Come Bearing Gifts!"
Who: The Valeyard (me), Alternate Ianto (stopwatchlover aka also me!) and Broken Master (themastereffect )
What: The Master doesn't like the Valeyard.  :(  The Valeyard's decided to bring him a gifty!

Oh, the present was leaking again.  The Valeyard crouched down to dab at the cheeks of the blue eyed Welshman with the corner of his jacket.  He didn't flinch this time, and the not-quite Doctor grinned in triumph.  So it could learn!  That was all well and good.  With a sigh, the Valeyard stood again, toeing a bit gently at the gift and knocked briskly on the wall again.  The TARDIS had hidden the Master's bedroom door.  He didn't blame her.

"I'm not here to hurt you.  I brought you something!"  He kicked Ianto hard and the Tea Boy cried out in pain.  One of his ribs had already been broken in the whole 'picking out process' that the Valeyard had gone through plucking him off of the New York street corner.

Ianto was bound with hands behind his back, wearing only his socks, boxer shorts and a big red bow around his neck.  Minus some bruising, he was in perfect condition!

bv: person.iantodrippy, bv: person.valeyard, bv: person.master

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