Weekly Summary

Mar 27, 2010 12:52

Oops, over a day late!

The Doctor begins the week by wondering what he can do to put a stop to Jack's (torturedright ) little issues, namely, that he's started to kill Doctors to try and get Alec back.  He d oes something terrible to his Donna (pencil_inamug ), turning her into what Jack is.  She goes back to say goodbye to her mother...and has since not returned, making the Doctor very sad.

Theta (handoften ) returns home after a night with his Jack (eramquodes ).  He's been shot and reveals to the Doctor that he can't die.   They have a fight and believing that he's going to be kicked out of the red TARDIS, the Doctor impulsively kisses Theta.  They talk and kiss again.  And then become lovers.

Pancake Rose (doctors_plus_1 ) has a confrontation with the Master (themastereffect ) and is injured.  The Doctor comes to the rescue.  He heals her up and they kiss!  Oooh!  He has no concept for sex, however, leaving her wondering where her place is and if she should go with the Blue-Eyed Doctor (morethanworthit ) or stay with the broken Doctor.

The Doctor meets with New York Jack (cjharkness ) and tells him about Donna.  T hen he goes to hand out with his Broken Rose (storms_rose ) for a bit.

Next it's time to chase the Master around a junkyard (after he reveals that he ate a human being!).  Doctor and Master go to a junkyard planet and look for junk for a side project for the Master.   They talk about the aversion Time Lords have for sex and why that is. That night, the Doctor has some naughty dreams.

Jack kills another Doctor.  New York Jack f ishes it from the pool and reveals it's a human look alike.  The Doctor and Theta come up with a way to capture Jack and do so successfully when Theta pretends to be Alec, the object of Jack's obsession.  Afterward, t here's a little celebration about this fact.  Theta and the Master gush over weapons and the Doctor snuggles with his half-human self.

This is the Doctor's first date...probably EVER.  He meets Pancake Rose for pancakes (hence her name).  They talk about Doctors, Roses, each other, closeness, the Master...  And then decide to go back to his TARDIS to talk in private.  They almost have sex before the Doctor freaks out.

The Doctor leaves Pancake Rose and sits with Jack, in captivity, for a little while.  Afterwards, he runs into Ianto (somethinginme ) and finds out that Theta will release Jack in exchange for few tasks from Ianto.

A few nights later, the red TARDIS plays a new game with the Doctor, leading him to a VR room where the memories Theta's forgotten are stored.  He learns that the TARDIS made Theta kill his own Rose.

New York Jack decides to get drunk with Theta, make a bet about how big his blood splatter will be, get naked, and jumps off of a building.   There's a small moment afterwards over NYC Jack's body for Theta and the Doctor and their reliance on the other.  They share a kiss and go to bed.

A few days later, the Doctor discovers that the Master -- who now has the TARDIS Jack stole from the first Doctor he killed -- is trying to fix it.  So he helps...  They discover that they can be themselves when they are close and touching, the bit of each other lodged in their heads returning to the right spots.  They kiss, all be it briefly.

By this time, Jack is out of the TARDIS and free.  Theta's Master sends some people to play with him and he kills one.  The Doctor finds this intriguing and learns that Theta owns a part of a strip club where intergalactic travelers go.  He is interested BEYOND words.  So they go!  The Doctor is...exposed...to NSFW things!

The Master kisses the Doctor.  Yes, really.  It's in the name of science!

The Doctor takes down a Weevil with NYC Jack by shooting it in the head.  o.o  Jack is confused.   He then goes home to dance in his TARDIS...and meets a future version of himself.  TWENTY?!  (barefootonmoon )

And this all leads up to Theta's attack on the Doctor, the Doctor's "rescue" by NYC Jack, Theta's Jack, Not my Rose and a new Ianto.  You can read about that here and here.

OKAY!  Until next week!

bv: person.jacktheta, bv: person.iantodrippy, bv: person.doctorbe, bv: person.roselone, bv: person.jacknyc, bv: person.jack, bv: person.ianto, bv: [summary], bv: person.theta, bv: person.master, bv: person.rosepancake, bv: person.rose, bv: person.donna

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