Today? Today is a bad day

Mar 25, 2010 12:26

I wrote this in sixwordstories

Why:  The Doctor is moody because of he recent spat of violent, sexually charged dreams he seems to have no control over.  He also has not been allowed to return to the VR room inside of the red TARDIS to watch anymore of Theta's life.  A small spat with Theta has left him feeling awkward.  What's more, Pancake Rose (doctors_plus_1 ) has been using strawberry shampoo (and therefore smells like Theta which doesn't help the feelings he still has for her), and has just informed him that she might be leaving forever with her Blue Eyed Doctor.  Needless to say...  NOT happy Doctor.

Jack:  The Doctor's found out that Theta will be letting Jack go.  He's...not....happy.
Rose:  As crazy as always.  She tells the Doctor that he's like scrambled eggs.  ^__^
Master:  He pops on by to tell the Doctor that he's done working on his TARDIS.  There is a lot of angry emo.  Everyone's leaving the Doctor.  He feels himself being pulled apart.  The Master is a little manic and perhaps not all that good intentioned, but DOES try to cheek up the weeping Doctor just to get him to stop making that awful noise!  There's also a small science experiment about kissing between the old friends.  The Doctor has decided, firmly, that kissing is the BEST THING EVER.
Ianto: Confronts the Doctor to let him know that he's "sold himself" to Theta.
Blue Eyed Doctor: (morethanworthit ) reminds the Doctor that Pancake Rose is not his.  The Doctor agrees and says he never thought she was.

bv: person.doctorbe, bv: person.ianto, bv: person.master, bv: person.rose, bv: person.jack

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