Seven things in your room:
1. Bed
2. Stereo
3. Bureau
4. TV
5. Tons of picture frames
6. Posters
7. Lots of shoe boxes with lots of stuff in them (mostly underneath my bed)
Seven things to do before death:
1. Leave the country
2. Parasail (sp?)
3. Find the love of my life
4. Have an amazing job
5. Buy an amazing car which costs more than my house
6. Go on a shopping spree and not worry about how much money I spend.
7. Influence and help as many lives as possible
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. Eyes
2. Hair
3. Height
4. Smile
5. Fun and open
6. Awesome sense of humor
7. Driving a truck is a major bonus...
Top seven things you say most:
1.Kill yourself
2. wicked
3. almost, only not
4. That's cool
5. You're such a bitch/ass
6. Let's not and say we did
7. haha
Do You:
Smoke?: No
Do drugs?: No
Read the newspaper? not so much
Pray?: very rarely
Been in love? uh huhh
Gone skinny dipping?: hahaha...yes.
Had a medical emergency? too many
Had surgery?: yep
Swam in the dark? yep
Been to a Bonfire: Tons
Got Drunk: Yeah
Ran away from home?: I tried to when I was in kindergarden. I packed up my barbie suitcase and told my mom I was going to live with my neighbors for the rest of my life. But then she told me that she was making steak on the grill for dinner and I got happy and decided to stay.
Played strip poker?: nope, probablly would if I knew how to play poker.
Gotten beaten up?: my little sister...
Beaten someone up?: ehh...not seriously
Been on stage?: I avoid that at all costs
Slept outdoors?: yeah
Pulled an all nighter?: yes and I'm not a very fun person to be around when I'm overtired.
If yes, what is your record?: Not more than 28 hours
Made out with a stranger?: A few...
Been on radio/tv?: A few times
Been in a mosh-pit?: haha, I'm not that special.
Been to a party: who me? no never....
Gotten lost in the woods: a few times yes
Been in an Undertow: scary shit!
Smoked a Cigar: no
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: yes
About You:
Three words that sum you up: sexy fucking bitch. actually no, i have no idea. how about outgoing, open and friendly?
Wallet: brown
Coffee: sometimes
Shoes: My brown boots
Cologne/Perfume: I have more than any girl should.
Clothing you have on: pj's
In the last 24 Hours have you....:
Cried: yes
Bought something: yes
Gotten sick: nope
Sang: hahaha...yes
Been kissed: No, I haven't really been kissed in over 6 weeks. :*(
Felt stupid: haha, yes.
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but didn’t: Umm..nope
Talked to an ex: yes, three of them actually.
Had a serious talk: does writing a serious response to a serious letter count?
Missed someone: yessss!!!!!!
Hugged someone: lots of people
Argued with a parent(s): surprisingly no
Social Life:
Boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
Car you drive: 1998 Ford Escort ZX2 baby!
Would you rather be with friends or on a date: Depends...sorry to say but probablly on a date with Nate.
Job: basket. i also have an internship at penacook family dentistry
Attend church: nope
Like being around people: most of the long as it's people i like
Last :
Thing you ate: pizza and icecream cake (it's my brothers birthday)
Thing you drank: coke
Place you went: pat's peak
Person you kissed: my mom
Person you hugged: my brother
Person you talked to: my mom
Person you IMed: Kyle
Song you heard: Some Hillary Duff song
Current Mood: tired as hell and annoyed because I can't focus on my god dammed woman's lit paper. im doing this instead right now.
Current Taste: gross pizza aftertaste. i really need to brush my teeth again.
Current Hair: wet
Current DVD In Player: couldn't tell ya
Current Refreshment: nothing
Current Worry: Not being able to finish my woman's lit paper, and Evan being mad at me.
Are you artistic: haha not even close
Are you athletic: not so much
Are you a brat: i can be..but not usually
Do you like spiders: ugh not at all..
Can you do anything freakish with your body? I have a really long tounge...oh and my fingers are double jointed and people are obsessed with it and make me give them massages all the time.
What are you listening to: house is silent for once
If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: with Nate
Makeup or natural look: makeup