Entry number 3 for May 8th

May 08, 2010 21:46

After staying at the weir outside Barcaldine, we headed past Barcaldine, through Infracombe and onto Longreach. We stayed in the town of Longreach at a caravan park. After setting our van up, we headed back to the Stockman's Hall of Fame which was quite interesting:
First of all, INFRACOMBE:
The tree of knowledge, which unfortunately died a few years ago, but this memorial has been built to commemorate it:

In less than 1/2 a kilometer of the main street of Barcaldine there are no less than 5 (or was it 6????) hotels:

Dave decides to take time out to play a "little tune":

*****wave to Brenda & Graham AGAIN!******:

Dave tries out a new form of transport at Infracombe:

While I try out a new form of washing our dirty clothes (Not BLOODY likely!)

and just in case I did forget to post this earlier, these are some "yabbies" Dave caught in his traps and we had for a snack:

Watch this space, next to come......LONGREACH & the Stockman's hall of fame

and so the journey continues, barcaldine, infracombe

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