(no subject)

Aug 27, 2003 08:45

Dear Dr. Mandy,

I have a significant other that I've recently become involved with again.  We dated when we were both in high school.  He went away to Gville for school but we kept in contact throughout those 4 years.  After he graduated is when we began seeing each other again.  To make the story short, he had made plans long before we started dating again to move to Orlando with his brother.  I want soooo much for him to come back to Jax and be with me.  But his reply is that he can't back out on his brother at the last minute.  I do care soooooooooo freaking much about him and I know the feelings are reciprocated.  We have this amazing chemistry that both of us have never felt before.  But the whole idea of a long distance relationship is scary...  All I think about is how most LD relationships end up not working out because of how far away from each other they are.  The thought of being without him breaks my heart but I don't know what to do-  Should I continue the relationship, knowing that there's a good possibility it may end (seemingly because of the distance, considering we adore each other) or just break it off now, before I get in way over my head and risk being really, reaaaaally hurt?  I know what I'm gonna do but I wanna be reassured that it's the right thing to do... This is better than anything I've ever had before.

torn in jax!

Dear Torn,

Become Not So Torn in Orlando?

Here is the bottom line. If you are willing to walk away because of distance, then he isnt the right one. If you are willing to stick it out, then he is. He maybe Mr Right Now. He maybe Mr Right. There is only one way to find out...

How long does he plan to be in Orlando? Would you consider a relocation? What happens after Orlando? Is there a possibility he will move back to Jacksonville? Maybe in a few months you can sit down and discuss a plan, so instead of this endless LD relationship its a For Now LD relationship.

2 out of 10 LD relationships work. Someone has to be those 2. =)

Good Luck

Not So Dr Mandy @aol.com

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