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Day 6: Favorite season finale
I probably should have capped Part 01, too, but...
God, this finale! I've often thought that SPN is in stages - as I've mentioned before - and this finale, to me, was one of those. Where the show could have ended open and ambigious and you'd be frustrated but accept it because you could fill it in with your own stuff. Like Season 05, the intended end was - this was a full, rich and satisfying fruitcake? Jeez, self! finale that gave closure.
Azazel finally DEAD. Papa Winchester's return! Dean's deal and the Devil's Gate letting, well..all of Hell loose! Emotional rollercoaster, brilliantly written and acted. You know it's a good ep when you can't bear to watch it at times because of all the damn feels... and this one is it for me. T-T;