30 Day SPN Challenge: Day #02

Apr 26, 2012 18:53

Day #02: Favorite minor character

Gawd, love her. >3
The very moment cute little Ava confronted Sam, with her freaking out about being totally normal and not a part of anything, okay? ways... I was sold. She was adorable, fun, quirky -- and I was very concerned about her wellbeing at the end of the ep. I also shipped her with Sam and I'm sorry it wasn't banked on, or expanded,  because I think they were cute together! He was fighting smiles around her - but then I imagine anyone would! - and the tone with which he told Dean she was engaged, IDK. Girl can dream, right?

Not a fan of her being evil in Part 01 of All Hell Breaks Loose, but only because she tried to kill Sammy. I think evil sort of worked for her, secretly. ^_^;

!meme, !30-day spn challenge

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