hey ho~

Sep 30, 2007 21:46

-failure posted at own journal lol- /die

i was doodling random bishie..then I thought he looks like barv..so I gave him the cig. hi thar barv :'( sorry kuki.. he's probably some random guy cosplaying as barv haha ;OOO; /fail

few sad attempts at self bday pixxu lawl. +10 quadruple artfailure main gauche [4] is my best friend <3

human!farda vs angel!farda. angel!farda is veeeeeeeeeery much more aggressive than human!farda XD human!farda is very docile <3

so used to serious/sad/distant rogue!Farda..when he looks so happy, it looks so...wrong XDD I tried so hard to make hunter!levi looks seme T_T fail #2

lol wut?! cassidy looked so tormented lol. /pat

most of my classmates always thought that farda is a girl everytime i draw him. i dont know if its a good thing or bad XD I mean..he's supposed to be very pretty hence he keep that stubble thingy to prove his masculinity. but i'm pretty sad too when people think my guy is a girl :'( that means i sux or something lol /scared

and commish work wip that i'm lazy to work on coz yet to receive payment lolol

eww failed anatomies and boringposes much lawl XD

so i was doodling doodling and doodling
then at one point, i started to doodle this very (almost) perfect picture on sai
but it just HAVE to die on me. the little shit D:
fck i dont know how to describe how annoying/frustating that was.
and i'm pretty sure i saved it halfway but when i opened the folder it wasnt there
it was nowhere in the pc.
stupid thing. rly rly stupid.
and painter corrupted the wip picture above. how gay
good thing i had it backup'd in psd format.
i swear all these painting programs are plotting against me
this was another victim of sai-died-while-halfway-painting picture..of which i kinda like too (and glad the halfway savefile didn't miriculously 'vanish' but i guess my frustation is clearly visible on the lines and colouring ^^;;

bl, wip, whippy, sketch, ro

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