Novice initiations

Feb 26, 2006 18:37

if I had known that that was going to happen to me during initiations, I would have run. Very far and VERY VERY fast. So, after crew we divided up into the varsity gir.l's cars and drove to siesta beach. Then, we all put on our (new) swimsuits (because we had no idea what was going to happen, and naturally we've all pretty much went shopping in the last month for bathing suits) they made us put on diapers and then brought out these big boxes of donuts. (this was at the pavillion) At first we all though "aww, they're so nice, they brought donuts!" cause we had just come from crew so we thought they thought we were hungry. Nope. That was NOT AT ALL the purpose of the donuts. "Okay" one of them screamed into a microphone "Whoever eats the most donuts has to do less later. GO!" And, I have no idea where they got those donuts. Who would sell them....greasy, cold, just all around . I ate about 2 and a half and I was nearly retching. "EAT FASTER!!!! YOU HAVE 1 MINUTE TO FINISH ALL THESE BOXES!!!!!!!!!" so, some were late (because of traffic or something) so they made us put whatever fell on the floor or what was in our hands. Naturally, by this time we were getting alot of attention, and the beach security made us leave the pavillion. So, once we got on the beach we got paired up with a varsity gi.rl. They had the CRAZIEST outfits imaginable for us. I got a camo poncho, and a hat. She also put my hair in pigtails. I was one of the lucky ones, to be covered up so much, because what they did next just insane. They covered us with syrup, penut butter, cream cheese, kechup, mustard, whipped cream, feathers, chocolate syrup. They coated our faces and our hair it....was the most disgusting thing of my life. NATURALLY the varsity guys show up. Then we had to line up in a congo line and walk right next to water up and down the beach. "WHO OWNS YOU?!?!?!?!" *mumbles* "DO YOU MEAN VARSITY GIR.LS!??!?!?!?!?! WHO OWNS YOU!????!?!?!?!?!?!" "VARSITY GIR.LS!!!" we had to do about 3 billion jumpies, a zillion push ups (boy style) They kept on "losing count" and starting over again. Then we had to role around in the sand and howl to the "moon". Logan had to go look for an at,tractive guy and ask him to join crew. Then we got paraded up to a little circle in the sand, and we had to stand in the circle. The varsity guys were there of COURSE. They had a couple wrestle, and then we had to dance and sing "happy birthday" to one of the varsity g.irls (because it was her birthday) then we had to make a human pyramid and we did it over and over because we kept falling over. Finally they said we could go into the water and wash off all the stuff. I feel sorry for the people in our way, because we probably kicked sand into their faces and probably at least one person had a wad of penut butter thrown onto their towel. Yeah, so it took about 5 showers to get the penut butter out of my hair.

I can't wait for next year to tor.ture- I mean "Initiate" the novice gi.rls of next year.

PS- Lesson of the day: "You really CAN'T die of embarresment"
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