-what kind of teenager uses the word contradictory in daily conversation? me, thats who. i did it the other day when discussing some news with the teacher (the whole class was supposed to be involved). i said "well, isn't making (somthing) kind of contradictory to (something)... oh my god, i can't believe i just used the contradictory in a sentence." (what i really meant was "oh my god, ive just entered nerd-ville according to these kids whose biggest vocab-word is 'marijuana'). then, the kid sitting across from me said "just... quit talking." of course this made me feel 100 times better then i already did. yes, i admit it, i am a nerd sometimes. i guess i just have to learn when to "be cool". i get excited at the chance to use more of my intellectual capacity and (quite, if i do say so myself) extensive vocabulary. my motivation to do this isn't so people feel less smart around me, or because i want to look really smart, i do it because.. well.. i find it interesting. its not every day that i get the chance to use my brain on any kind of level higher than "white-trash-slack-off", because thats what every other kid in my school is so that's what the expectations are based on. yes, white trash slack off. i said it, and i meant it.
-on a different note, i sleep with my mouth open and the heat makes it super-dry in my house so when i move my mouth in the morning it splits open in at least 3 different places.
-maybe when im older ill change my name to comma commone. egh.