Of ALL the songs in the world?

May 14, 2009 21:31

Your Love Song Is You and Me

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paramedically May 14 2009, 12:01:37 UTC
But that's romantic, you uncultured plebian.


notskywalker May 14 2009, 12:04:34 UTC
Just because you're in new smooshy love, wanker.


paramedically May 14 2009, 12:06:00 UTC
I can't believe you just said 'smooshy'.


notskywalker May 14 2009, 12:07:01 UTC
Blame the haggis and kilts.


paramedically May 14 2009, 12:08:16 UTC
Yeah, dude. It's the haggis and kilts.

How's it all going over there anyway?


notskywalker May 14 2009, 12:14:55 UTC
Bite me, Connor. Or are your teeth too busy with Ali?

Pretty damn fantastic. It's a brilliant country. Gorgeous. The christening was a lot of fun. We're going on a pub crawl tonight.


paramedically May 14 2009, 12:23:07 UTC
She prefers tongue action.

Oh yeah? I hope you have your hangover remedies on hand. I hear Scotch is stronger in Scotland and the locals are just immune to it. I had to let you know, too, that I'm taking Ali and Jamie on a holiday to the Barrier Reef, beginning of June. The tickets are open, though, in case her BFF doesn't wake up by then.


notskywalker May 14 2009, 12:26:33 UTC
You're a dark horse, Andy. A shadow of your former shy, female-challenged self. I still can't believe you nabbed a FBI Agent.

And Lachlan's leading the way. I might not make it out alive. Wait, what? What's going on with the BFF? Is he sick? Did you finally tell her about your boat barfing?


paramedically May 15 2009, 00:28:33 UTC
I didn't meet Ali the FBI Agent. I met Ali the lonely and scared new Mom who had no one to lean on. I was worried she might think I was trying to take advantage, but it was never like that. We just got along from the start and now things are great. Hard, with all the external stress, but great.

You're surrounded by doctors and nurses. You'll be fine. You survived your bachelor party with Lachlan at the healm, you'll survive anything.

Shit, you didn't get my email, did you? It's a complicated situation but Ali's best friend is in a coma. He got real sick with his diabetes, so everything's all over the place here right now. But yeah, I told her. She needs and deserves a nice holiday, so this is what we're doing. We're going for two weeks at the beginning of June.


notskywalker May 15 2009, 01:46:46 UTC
I heard you met her in the bedroom... And yes. The external stress. Is he still in Australia? And you're going there for a holiday?

"Survive" is a bit of a strong context. I spent nearly twenty four hours with my head in the toilet after that. I was willing my own death.

No, I didn't. I checked it, too, but it didn't come. Fucking hell, mate. Are you alright? This happened to Lachlan's wife after she had the baby. She was just out of it in the blink of an eye and it was damn frightening. I'm glad you're going away, mate. You deserve a break too.The past couple of years have hardly been hearts and sunshine for you either.


paramedically May 15 2009, 05:52:00 UTC
What?! Who told you something like that?! He is still in Australia. He's in Sydney, dude. We're not going to accidentally run into him, and if we do, I'll tear his balls off and feed them to the sharks.

Sign of a highly successful bachelor party.

I'm okay. Ali's not. Like I said, it's complicated and there is a whole lot of stuff going on that I couldn't get into without needing hours to explain it to you. Let's just say her BFF is connected to the FBI and there's shit going down there that I'm not involved in. I'm just here to make sure Ali and Jamie are okay, and if anyone else needs me, I'm here too. Yeah, I know. They've been arse. Ali was the first good thing to happen to me in ages. I love her for it, too.


notskywalker May 15 2009, 11:38:21 UTC
You did, genius. When you'd had a couple of hits of Lachlan's joint at the bachelor party. She nearly had you coming untouched when she dressed up as a sexy cop. I love it when you're fiesty. We don't see that half enough.

Says you. I'll get you back one day.

You can explain it when we get back home and unreliable emails aren't plaguing us. It all sounds very Hollywood. I'm intrigued. Is this why Aiden left the christening early? Have you been holding up okay? No urges for you-know-what?


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