Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If
lanceconstable were hanging off a cliff, what would
noseinthewatch do? Hopefully save him, if she's aware of his existence.
2) Would you wrestle
notafunnyname in jello? No. Definitely not.
3) Would you ever date
noseinthewatch? NO.
4) Would
de_worde go out with
notafunnyname? I hope not.
5) What mental disorder does
headclerk remind you of? Hmmm. That's a toughy. There's so many...
6) Would
tir_fa_tonn be a better ninja or pirate? Neither.
7) What is
discwonderdog allergic to? Humans?
8) What would
de_worde give
pearwoodluggage for his/her birthday? Nothing.
9) What do you agree with
reaping_duchess about? That people are stupid.
10) Are
ihavepapers and
ceramicatheist married? NO. Gods, no. NEVER.
11) What is
ladymargolotta's shoe size? Er, six?
12) What would
cloudsinmyhair do differently in your shoes? Gods, don't even want to think of that. The city'd be in ruins in a fortnight.
13) What flavor of jello would
lanceconstable be? Lime.
therocketwizard's eye color? Brown.
15) What color should
littlewatchman dye their hair? Sam's hair will remain as it is.
16) Is
just_sally introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
17) Are
noseinthewatch and
de_worde going steady? NO.
18) Where did you first meet
acuzomebeindaft? Probably near a bar of some sort.
19) Is
markfive in a relationship? Nope.
20) If
acuzomebeindaft and
reallymoist were spliced together, what would be its name? Ha. Not even going there.
21) One quality you find attractive in
noseinthewatch? She's a damn fine copper.
22) What animal should
de_worde be combined with? Any predator that could eat him.
23) What animal does
crawsteppin remind you of? Anything daft.
24) Has
markfive dyed their hair? I don't think it has any.
25) Did
shrtazs break up with you? ... no.
26) Is
malcorp a high school student? Nope.
27) What planet should
tehahtimeh be from? The farthest we could send him to.
28) Does
reformedmadman do drugs? Oh, undoubtably.
29) How many monkeys could
tehahtimeh fight at once and win against? None.
30) Is
runningwizzard friends with
just_sally? I don't think so.