Coulton Concert

Jul 29, 2007 23:09

Friday night I went to Milkboy Coffee to see Jonathan Coulton.

The last time I saw him there was when he opened for Jim Boggia. swingchickie was there both times, but this time her man Jack was there with us.

His opening act, Paul and Storm were in fine form, but I still perferred them better back in the day when they were half of DaVinci's Notebook. For a few numbers Jonathan Coulton came on stage with them. They always open with the song, "We are the Opening Band" which includes the line "we never get panties thrown on stage". They seemed surprised when they got 3 pairs this time.

When they left the stage, then in annoying move (well for the food sales, the crowd didn't mind) Jonathan Coulton immediately went on. Coulton is a warm and funny guy who looks a bit like kemidra's boyfriend.

I was not disappointed this time; I got to sing along with "re: Your Brains". The first time he had us sing it, Coulton told us we sounded more like people than zombies. So the next time we slurred our words and were a bit off the beat. He loved it, telling us we were the best zombies ever.

Coulton invited Paul and Storm up to sing backup for "Baby got Back":

coulton, concerts, milkboycoffee

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