Well, I have to say that three days of walking on two feet, I already miss being a Pony.
[While it is dark out, the light of Rarity's pokegear shows how she looks a bit dirty.] I'm far more graceful, and less...[she makes a disgusted noise.] Look at all of this dirt! I'll be happy when I can bathe and get rid of all this dirt....is that light I
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Rarity?! Oh, my God, Rarity!
[Lottie crosses herself]
An' I ain't gotta clue as t'where y'are!
[Said Vulpix is taking over this feed, planting herself right in Lottie's lap. Lottie starts to take the 'Gear back, but Princess just growls a little]
If she keeps talking, we'll never get anywhere. Where are you guys?
Her soul's been taken. Listen, go into town and find someone to come and get Rarity. If no one listens, drag 'em out there by their hair. Your trainer's soul getting stolen is more important than anything they're doing.
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