001 ⚸

Dec 18, 2010 20:03


What the fuck is this.

The first thing Annie noticed when she woke up this morning is that she was in a bed. More than that, she was wearing clothes! A froofy nightdress-- not hers-- and modest underwear-- so not hers it's not even funny. She was in a bed, not the woods; she was in a house, not her trailer; and she was in a town, way too small to be Queens and way too big to be Wynter Hyll and way too... too weird to be any base she's ever seen.

And Nasira wasn't next to her. That was probably the worst part of it all.

So, she gets up, wanders around the house, examining the pictures and helping herself to some raw chop meat she found in the fridge. Werewolves don't have to worry about E. coli man. She spends a while in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to figure out where the hell her teeth and piercings and tattoo had gone off to. Finally, she makes her way to the phone, and after a few unsuccessful attempts at getting in contact with Nasira or Nico or fuck, she'd even like hearing that asshole Joey's voice right about now, she sighs and says uncertainly into the receiver:]

Uh... S'up?
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