013 ⚸

Aug 07, 2011 22:36



I think we all learned some pretty important fucking lessons here.

One: Don't trust anything you hear from stuttering little bitches, because if they'll lie to one person about what their fucking intentions are, they'll definitely have no problem lying to a whole bunch of evil fucks over the phone.

Two: The only thing worse than a fat Nazi ( Read more... )

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[Action] sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 02:44:47 UTC
[Oh look it's the Major. And guess what? He couldn't find wolfsbane, but he could find mistletoe. Which he has in a small bag.

That he throws out in front of him.]

Take it girl.

Our current fight is already over, unless for some absurd reason you feel like pursuing another one without actual provocation.


notsaul August 8 2011, 02:50:55 UTC
[She looks down at the bag disdainfully-- a pretty effective way of masking the spike of fear she feels at seeing it. Fucking Daniel.]

I could still kick your ass, even if you had that. I don't need a fucking reason.


sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 02:53:36 UTC
[The Major tsks at that. Not disdainfully. More like a parent, amused at their child.]

My. You truly have the makings of a wonderful storm trooper.

Or a murderer. But I suppose that's a given.


notsaul August 8 2011, 02:58:23 UTC
Yeah, I killed some people, I get it. Big fucking deal. It's not like I do it to get my rocks off like you or anything.


sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 03:00:00 UTC
You're right.

In your case?

You were simply following orders.


notsaul August 8 2011, 03:07:57 UTC
[She stares at him, eyes wide, legitimately shocked by what he just said. It's not an expression she wears often.

Then her mouth twists into a scowl. That one's much more familiar. She stands up from the bench, putting the pictures under it for safe keeping.]

Yeah. I think that's "provocation" enough. You son of a fucking bitch.


sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 03:09:43 UTC
The truth hurts, doesn't it girl?

[Grabbing the bag back up and taking the mistletoe out, keeping it safe in a clenched fist.]



notsaul August 8 2011, 03:25:45 UTC
... I'm really fucking glad he never told you assholes how it works. Maybe I won't kick his ass too badly later.

[Annie may not be the smartest person around, but she learned from their last battle, and once she's in her wolf form all her attacks will be concentrated on the places she remembers as mostly human, particularly the face and throat. She knows she has her strongest form back, Sigma... But she can still remember bits and flashes of the last time she changed to it. Even if her rage reached that point, she wouldn't. Anti-aircraft guns hurt.

If she can manage to keep her skin from breaking, she might have a chance...]


sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 03:31:55 UTC
You see?

Perhaps he wasn't such a bad friend after all.

[And he'll be throwing a sucker punch at your face directly after saying that. Fuck the fact that you're a werewolf. His other hand goes for his gun. He's a shitty shot and it hardly did much for him last time but eh. Why the hell not.]


notsaul August 8 2011, 03:41:30 UTC
Fuck, like you would even know!

[It's sharks that punching in the nose works for; wrong Zoo Jew, bro. Still, a muzzle punch is still pretty effective, disorienting her and throwing her off her game a little bit. She doesn't even notice him going for the gun.]


sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 03:47:31 UTC
I suppose you're right. To be friends isn't something that comes naturally to me. But to be enemies? Ah, that I understand!

[It's stupid of him, really. But he'll keep in close distance of her instead of attempting to back away as he draws his gun. Perhaps shots at the body didn't work. But one at the head? Perhaps will meet with greater success.

He'll be aiming for her eye as he fires. As he gambles, to attempt to genuinely wound her.]


notsaul August 8 2011, 04:06:25 UTC
[Surely, there are things much more painful than being shot in the eye. It's just that Annie has never experienced them before.

The pain is literally blinding, and the noise she makes is horrific, more monster than anything but still undeniably, awfully human. In fact, the pain is terrible enough to actually reverse the transformation, leaving her naked and clawing at her left eye on the ground. Blood pours between her fingers and onto the grass.

All her fight is gone.]


sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 04:19:42 UTC
[That noise. Oh that noise. The Major can't help but add his own laughter to it. Low, and calm, and rhythmic. In many ways, it's probably worse then the cry Annie gives. At the very least, it amplifies it.]

Ah. That sound. That sound, girl.

I've heard it. It and its variations so many times before. In Vichy. During countless operations like Barbarossa. In Warsaw.

Do you know just how many memories I have tied to that sound?

[And quickly, he'll put a foot down on her chest, trying to get her to stop squirming or at least reduce it.]

Like the memories children have at the tingling of bells in winter during Yule, or the smell of threshed grain and produce might be to a farmer after he's cleared his field. There is no sound finer, nothing I appreciate more, then the scream of someone fatally wounded, and knows they're about to die.

[Originally, he had thought about jamming the mistletoe in Annie's mouth, assuming the contact with her digestive tract might be necessary. But to simply be insulting ( ... )


notsaul August 8 2011, 04:52:31 UTC
[There's really only one way to permanently kill a werewolf. Crosses were just myth, and a bullet would hurt anyone, no matter what the metal. For supernatural creatures in Annie's world, it always comes down it one thing. It always comes down to the blood.

Half-crazed with pain and terror, she tries to pull away from him, but it's useless. She can feel something wrong even though her brain can't put the pieces together. It's spreading, she can feel it, with every wild beat of her heart, and the beats just keep getting faster and faster and faster, and her blood feels like fire and her skin feels like stone and why is she so scared won't she just be back tomorrow and never again not again stop please Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu

Her skin is boiling warm and stiff in a way that even the freshly dead shouldn't be, but there's no pulse and nothing behind her one remaining eye.]


sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 05:14:15 UTC
[He watches, grin growing by the second as the girl dies in front of him.

And then? He gets an idea. And grinning he begins to slip his SS regalia jacket off, and covers the girl with it.

He looks around a moment. He'll need time to head home quickly, and he slides her body under one of the benches.

Just a few moments. That's all he needs. A few moments to get what he needs from home and his work will be done.]


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