010 ⚸

May 27, 2011 21:57

Oh my God, this is such bullshit.

[Because Annie must obviously be angered at the sheer injustice of having to kill her fellow inmates right.


I mean, why tell me to kill someone and then take away all the shit that I could use to kill them with! And I don't even know who this fuck is! This is gonna be so much harder than it fucking has to be. ( Read more... )

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scentofbauhinia May 28 2011, 02:22:04 UTC

and someone's mulling over the idea of whether or not to actually answer the door at all when he hears the knock. eventually he does open it though, just a fraction and with a gun hidden underneath his shirt. ] Yeah?


notsaul May 28 2011, 02:30:01 UTC
[... Yeah, that looks about right.]

What's your name, dude?


scentofbauhinia May 28 2011, 09:05:34 UTC
Telling some random stranger my name after they show up on my doorstep, while there's a targeted culling going on.

...That seems like a smart idea. [ not ]


notsaul May 28 2011, 19:33:16 UTC
It just makes shit easier for everyone, man. It's not like you can hide in your house forever.


scentofbauhinia May 28 2011, 20:36:37 UTC
You're doing what the town says then. Even though it's totally a trick.

[ clicking sound ] Hong Kong.


notsaul May 28 2011, 20:48:40 UTC
Yeah, I am.

[She cocks her head at the noise, stepping back to pick up the aluminum baseball bat she'd brought along with her.] Don't make this harder for me, dude, I'm having a pretty shitty day.


scentofbauhinia May 28 2011, 21:20:20 UTC
And it's been a great one for me.

[ visibly pointing the gun at her now. ] They're going to screw over whoever wins anyway. You realise that, right.


notsaul May 28 2011, 21:37:01 UTC
... Yeah, I know. Sorry.

[And, with that, she slams her shoulder into the door with all of her (rather considerable) strength.]


scentofbauhinia May 28 2011, 22:42:14 UTC
[ Yeah, there's no way in hell that he's going to waste time attempting to stop her forcing the door open. Instead, he immediately backs away from the door at the impact and makes a break for the lounge, taking a not very carefully aimed shot as he does so. ]


notsaul May 28 2011, 22:58:57 UTC
[The bullet hits the door above her head and she drops to the floor, crouched on all fours. She might not have her wolf form anymore, but that doesn't erase seventeen years of facultative bipedal living. Holding the softer plastic grip of the bat's handle between her teeth, she gives chase.]


scentofbauhinia May 28 2011, 23:45:06 UTC
[ Well, he has no idea that she's really a werewolf, so as far as he's concerned he's just being chased by a crazy chick on all fours with a baseball bat in her mouth.

Hong Kong's quick to move behind the couch to take another shot. He's aiming for just an upper arm/shoulder, anything that might slow her down without actually point blank kill her. Yeah, he's still hesitant, despite the situation. ]


notsaul May 29 2011, 00:06:21 UTC
[The bullet grazes through her left shoulder, almost to the bone, and she screams-- she's barely even felt normal amounts of pain before, let alone anything like this. Tears cloud her vision.

Though she's hobbling slightly, she manages to pounce onto the couch he's hiding behind. Taking the bat with her right hand, she swings the bat like a golf club in his direction.]


scentofbauhinia May 29 2011, 00:20:39 UTC
[ It's been a long time since he's tried to shoot anyone and he's never gotten used to this, so he's taken by shock for a moment. He manages to avoid a head blow, but the bat makes contact with some of his ribs as he makes to move out of the way, winding him and knocking him sprawling onto his side on the floor. ] Fuck...


notsaul May 29 2011, 00:32:10 UTC
[She climbs over the couch as fast as she can with only one usable arm, swinging the bat down again. She's aiming for his hands.]


scentofbauhinia May 29 2011, 01:16:23 UTC
[ Choking still, he tries to roll himself out of the way, but not fast enough. There's a crack as it hits one of his hands, clearly leaving some broken bones. And of course he has to drop the gun. ]


notsaul May 29 2011, 01:22:58 UTC
[Of course, she kicks the gun away. Only then does she pause, eyes wild and breath coming in hard, short gasps, bat resting momentarily on her uninjured shoulder.]

... Shit, dude.


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